Chapter 66: Offer

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Chapter 66: Offer


Confusion clouds my mind and the more I try to think, the more a splitting headache begins to grow. I hold my head, as I try to push into my memories a bit further. after getting nothing else except the pain from this headache I give up. Why am I here? Am I meant to do something?

So many questions just flood through my head, overpowering my thoughts. It only causes me to curl up tighter into a ball and try to cover my ears to quiet down the loud chattering that I hear. I try to close my eyes to go to sleep, but I don't feel tired. In fact, I don't feel anything.


It isn't long before a bright light causes me to open my eyes again, after failing to fall asleep. A figure steps out of the blinding light as well as a wolf that beelines towards me. I flinch thinking it coming to attack me, raising my arm to cover my face, before a feel it's soft fur rub against me. Not feeling any sharp teeth digging into my flesh, I slowly open my eyes to look into the face of a sad white wolf.

"Avery! It's me, Celestial, why are you so scared?" The she-wolf says looking directly at me. I scream and push myself away from her, moving backwards with my feet. I never knew wolves could talk!

The she-wolf looks back towards the figure shocked. The figure turned out to be this beautiful young woman dressed all in white. Her blonde, wavy hair reaches down past her waist and radiated a soft glow, even though there was no light within this space. She is the light here. She is the very definition as ethereal. Does she know me?

A sad and pitiful smile forms on her face. "Oh, my darling..." She bends down and embraces me in a hug. "You've subconsciously shut off your memories to prevent yourself from feeling more pain. But is forgetting Ashen really the way to go?" 

Ashen...  Tears start to flow from my eyes down my face. Why does that name have such an effect on me? I furiously wipe away the tears but they don't stop flowing. I clasp onto the woman tighter to hide my face away. I feel her comforting me by patting me on the back slowly. "No... I don't want to forget him." Before I could realise that those words came from my own mouth, she pulls me back away from the embrace and places her hands on either side on my face. She closes her eyes and I soon start to feel warmth emanating from her hands on my face.

Suddenly a rush of images flash before my eyes. I watch as I relive moments of my life. Why would I want to forget him... He was the best thing that happened in my life. Instead of stopping the tears from following, I allow them to continue following, stronger than ever down my face. I watch our memories together as well as our last moments together. We didn't have enough time together...

It's all my fault. If I just ran faster, If I escaped faster, If I had waken up faster... Regret overwhelms me as all these negative thoughts consume my mind. Suddenly, I feel a warmth laying on top on me. My hands immediately react and touch the unknown source, only to find soft fur. I open my eyes to find Celest curled up next to me, resting her head on my lap. 'I know what you are thinking Avery... And they are all untrue. We tried our best. I wish I knew what to say to help you, just know that I'm here for you.'

"We should have more time together... I still had to smooth things over with my mom about him and I didn't get to introduce him to all my friends. I don't want to find another mate to start again, it won't be the same without him." I cry into her fur, burying my face into her soft white coat. I feel her trembling slightly and realise her breathing is shaky. She's trying to hold her own cries back... Here I am being selfish, thinking I was the only one who lost someone. Celest also lost Skull.

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