Chapter 39: Ver

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Quickly before you read the chapter, I've gone through and re-uploaded new photos (as the old ones weren't working) to some of the older chapters. So some of the character photos have changed and I've also added some new ones to other chapters. I'll leave a list of the chapters which have photos at the end of the chapter if you want to go back and look at them. Anyways here's the chapter.

Chapter 39: Ver


"It wasn't actually me that nominated you. It was Crystal," he explains with a shrug of his shoulders. "You wouldn't even be able pass the first fight, let alone win," he adds with a hint of cheekiness in his voice, as if challenging me to actually win. In which I couldn't help but take that challenge.

"You know what? I will actually try, just to prove you wrong. You watch, I'm going to win and become second in charge." A wide grin spreads across Kyle's face, as if gloating.

"I'll hold you to that bet."

Two days went by fast. Both Ashen and I trained together each day, in one of the packs gyms. I could tell that Ashen was still on edge and hasn't gotten used to living in a pack just yet. Hopefully, he can adjust soon, because if this all goes to plan, he might become Beta soon.  He had no issue with becoming Beta as long as everyone can accept him. I'm just a bit worried that since he was a rogue, some members might look down upon him.

We make our way to the food hall, which is where Kyle and Crystal gathered everyone to announce the fight matches. Now that Kyle is the Alpha, he moved out of our house and is now staying at the pack house. He's been holed up in the Alpha's study for the past two days, along with Crystal. The council agreed to train them both to become good leaders as long as they study up on the Alpha and Luna's roles.

Once mum heard the news she was utterly shocked. She ended up taking some time off work to stay home and helped Kyle move all his stuff over to the Alpha's suite. She also starting spending more time at home as well as with me. She would help me make small protein meals to take with us to have after our training. It was then that she discovered I had found my mate and immediately requested to meet him. However, I still haven't introduced them yet, with the excuse that Ashen still hasn't fully settled in yet.

As soon as we open the Hall's doors, all eyes are drawn to us, watching as we make our way to the front where all the other candidates were seated. Waves of tension fill the room and I look around to everyone's  serious and determined faces. A sense of nervousness creeps up on me and suddenly I couldn't keep still. I bounce my legs up and down and fiddle with my fingers trying to calm the urge to get up and run out.

Suddenly something warm comes into contact with my hands and stops them from fiddling. I look down to find Ashen's hand placed over mine.

"Calm down, it'll be alright. We've been training together for the last 2 days and have come to know each other's weaknesses and strength. We also know how to cover for each other in battle. We're as ready as we can be right now," He reassures me, giving my hand a light squeeze. During our time training together, Ashen grew comfortable with being in contact and close to me. The closer we become with each other, the stronger our mate bond grows and the more I start to gain feelings towards him.

I feel the heat rush to my cheeks due to the slight contact we share, and I quickly use my hair as a curtain to shield face before he realises I'm blushing. "Thanks Ash, it just feels as though the latest 2 days went by so fast, and I keep realising who we are up against." At first I was too nervous to call him by a nickname, but after he realised that I gave mostly everyone a nickname, he wanted me to call him at least Ash.

"It's all good, Ver. I thinks everyone here is nervous not just us," he responds as he indicates to the other pairs. After calling him Ash for a while, he decided to take the middle of my name and call me that. Ver. He said that Ave was what everyone called me and that he should have his own one since I'm his mate. So Ver came about. But he was right, I look over to the other pairs and all of them were either pacing around or sitting down focusing on one spot. The whole hall seems to be drastically quiet, more than normal.

Suddenly, the creaking of the door is heard, and everyone turns around to see who is was. Everyone goes silent as Kyle and Crystal make their way to the front of the room with several Council members following behind them.

As soon as they get to them front, the council members take a seat whilst Kyle and Crystal remain standing at the front. "Hello everyone," Crystal starts nervously. "I would like to thank everyone that could gather here and I would like to start by asking the candidates for Beta and Beta female to step forwards and stand to the side as we announce the lineup for the matches." As nervous as Crystal was, she still managed to come across as formal and polite as she addressed the large group. She had told me before, she didn't know how to address everyone as Luna, as she didn't want to sound too stuck up or posh. But it seems to me that she had managed to pick the right words to say.

Within our pack, the Alpha and Luna are treated as though they are King and Queen and are expected to talk in a formal way to those in a lower status. Everyone, including Ashen and I make our way to the side, near where Kyle and Crystal were standing.

"I'll start by announcing the first match. All matches are to be picked at random so there is no unfairness or planning beforehand." Kyle states before receiving a black top hat from one of the council members. "We will draw out names from the hat, as cliched as it sound, and the two pairs will be required to fight against each other under certain rules." 

"The first pair is..." Crystal reaches into the bag and pulls out a slip of white paper, "Warrior Neal and his mate Amber. And they will be going up against..." Another slip of white paper is taken. Please don't be me. Please don't be me...I would prefer it if I didn't have to go up against the two strongest pairs in the first rounds. Neil and Michael. It'll just give me more time to come up with a plan then going head on with them straight away. "Omega Ryder and his mate Katie." Claps emerge from the crowd as the two pairs step forwards. Ryder will be having a hard time against Neal. Unless Ryder can somehow outwitt him, Neal will be able to crush him easily.

"Next we will announce the next match. First pair we have is... Beta Michael and his mate Winfrey. And they will be versing..." Please don't be me, please don't be me... I watch in slow motion as Crystal takes out a slip of paper and takes a breath before announcing the names...

Hey guys!!!! Sorry I haven't updated in ages. I had no free time to get on Wattpad at all and other times I had no data or internet. Anyways for those who read before the chapter below I've listed the chapters which I've replaced photos with new ones or have added new ones in.

Chapter 2: Identity
Chapter 3: Cold Popcorn
Chapter 21: Reuniting
Chapter 22: Inspection
Chapter 26: Panic Attack

If you want me to post some more pictures in chapters more often please comment it down.

Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter. Hopefully I can update soon again.

Thanks for reading

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