Chapter 29: The Vision

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"We hereby, banish you and your family from leadership of the Moon Paw pack to forever wander the land as rogues," with those words, suddenly, the bond between us and the alpha breaks. A small black mark appears on the alpha's arm as proof of the banishment. "For rejecting the Future Luna of the pack, therefore rejecting the will of the moon goddess. This is a serious crime for which you will be punished. The leadership of the pack will be given over to her."

"WHO THE HELL DID YOU HEAR THAT FROM?! THEY'RE LYING! YOU HAVE NO PROOF! " The alpha starts to thrash around trying to escape the grasps of the several soldiers holding him down. The pack seems confused and shocked that their alpha would commit a crime against the moon goddess. Most of the pack turned a blind eye whenever he did something wrong within the pack, but now that the council found out, they can't figure out which side to be on. "I HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG! LET GO OF ME!"

Suddenly, the elderly man steps out of the crowd and starts to move towards the alpha. The younger one rushes after him most likely to try to pick a fight with the alpha. "Earlier today, I was visited by the moon goddess and her old wolf spirit in a vision. Goddess Destiny and Celestial explained to me what injustices were happening in this pack recently and how it should be fixed." Celestial?! She was with the Moon Goddess?! Is that the reason why I can't feel her at the moment. So she really was the Moon Goddess' Wolf. "Celestial was sent down to earth to fulfil the legend that will save us all and she witnessed what happened to this pack. So that is all the proof we need to be able to banish you. You can take him away now." On command, the soldiers start to drag him away, however, before he could leave he shouts out one last time.

"I BANISHED HER! YOU'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO FIND THAT WEAK SLUT AND THE PACK WILL PERISH AND I WILL BE WAITING FOR THAT TO HAPPEN!" With his last words spoken, he disappears along with the soldiers into the forest, leaving the pack to panic. I hear people asking around about who the true Luna even is, including my friends beside me. Without an Alpha or a Luna, a pack crumbles apart and are much more vulnerable to rogue attacks and other attacks from packs trying to claim the land.

"What'll happen to us? We won't be able to find her!" The old Beta pleas to the council for help. Now that the Alpha's been banished, he is no longer the Beta as the new Alpha will choose another. "Did Celestial say anything about where we can find her?"

"No..." the man states quietly however, since everyone is dead quiet with their hearts soaring with hope, everyone picks up the answer and their hope breaks. "However, she did say that a young girl within the pack might know." Once again everyone starts to murmur asking around if it was anyone here, except me, cause I knew who he was talking about... Me. I am the only one who knew where Crystal is and what happened. To be able to save the pack from breaking apart I would have to come forwards but would it be risking my identity. Even though Celestial could have just told him where abouts Crystal was, she told him to talk to me. So trusting in Celest's judgement I decide to take the few steps forward.

I start to push my way through the crowd until I make my way to the opening with the Council members.  No one notices me moving towards them so I speak up. "I know where she is..." I can hear several relieved sighs and cries behind me from the pack. I look around and everyone's faces have lit up with hope again and the fact that's it's just because I came forward cheers me up. The elderly man walks forwards to greet me with a large, kind smile.

However, not everyone was happy. "And how exactly do you know where she is?" The younger, more violent council member exclaims loudly scaring the hell out of me. He walks closer to try and tower over me to intimidate me, but this man was definitely not on the tall side of life. He seems to be only a few centre meters taller than me who was average for a girl. However, I would have to lie my way out of this one without giving away my secret and I am not the best liar.

"I was taking a run through the woods a few days ago and I didn't realise how close to the border I was. I uhh- saw her across the border unconscious on the ground so I took her to a cave I knew nearby where she was collapsed. Once she woke up, she told me her story." Most of the Council members seem satisfied with my answer, except for the old man who looks slightly suspicious of me and the younger one interrogating me, he just looks angry... maybe he was always angry...

"You said you found her a few days ago! Why didn't you tell us earlier about this situation, huh?!" He screams again. Can't this guy just leave me alone, I'm using up all my acting ability here trying not to give away anything and to make this sound believable.

"Well to contact you, I would have to go through the alpha, and he would probably want to know why I need to contact you which wouldn't go down well." I state, however, honestly I kind of forgot that the Council can overrule the alpha and I totally didn't even realise to try to contact them.

"Stop interrogating the poor girl, she didn't do anything wrong, Johnston!" A lady who looks about in her mid thirties comes forwards and smacks the young man, Johnston, over the back of the head. "What's going your name sweetie?"


"Well Avery, I'm Seera. I'm truely sorry about him. He's just angry cause he didn't get to be able to bash anyone up today. Would you be able to show us where the new Luna is?" By now everyone in the pack is rejoicing and crying happily, because they would still be able to live peacefully and not to be on the run like rogues. I nod my head at her and prepare to shift.

Hopefully, even though Celest is gone at the moment I'll still be able to shift using my power. Once again I image shifting into Kyle's wolf and my body starts to shift and move around, I feel a slight tingling spread across my skin as the fur shoots out. Thankfully I haven't heard any gasping or other shocking sounds telling me that the shift was successful and I now have brown fur instead. I look up to see most of the other Council members shifted as well.

"Everyone must stay here, we wouldn't want to scare away the new Luna," the woman commands the pack before shifting.

I take off in the direction the cave is before looking behind me to see all the Council members following me.

Hey everyone! Hope you liked the chapter :)

Hope everyone had a great 2016! Man it went so fast!! Let's hope this year is going to be great also.

Hope you liked the chapter and if you have any great ideas for the upcoming ones comment them for me and I might use them.

Talk to you later

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