Chapter 38: Sher's Evil Scheme

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Chapter 38: Sher's Evil Scheme


Then Kyle announced the last two pairs.

"The fifth pair is Omega Ryder and his mate Katie." One of Kyle's best friend's Ryder and his mate step forward nervously and stand alongside the older members. So far they were the only younger pair out of the group.

"And last but not least, my sister Avery and her mate Ashen..."

Wait... Did I hear that correctly?

All heads turn to stare at me, some with shock and others just waiting for me to move to where the other candidates were. I look over towards Ashen, if the pack didn't know by now that I had found my mate, they do now. Whispers start to accumulate throughout the pack as we make make our way to stand next to Ryder and his mate Katie.

"Glad to know I'm not the only one who doesn't stand a chance," Ryder whispers quietly to me. Ashen let's out a low growl warning Ryder to stay quiet, however it didn't bother me. I've known Ryder ever since we were toddlers, I didn't get along brilliantly with him, however, Kyle did. They became best friend's and he is still the closest friend Kyle has and trusts.

Although he was wrong. He could almost go against one of the pack warriors without a worry in the world and beat them easily. Unlike most fighters he thought out a tactic before rushing in. He studies his opponent carefully and then comes up with a perfect plan. Ryder was also more humble than any other strong werewolf I know. He had a good chance to become the beta, and the others knew it.

The other four pairs sneak quick side glances at him and compared to his relaxed figure, theirs are the complete opposite. Tension and determination rise of their bodies like steam. Their eyes scan over to me over time and their uneasiness seems to disappear. They thought I was weak... How wrong they were...

I originally wasn't planning on taking this seriously, however, I think I might just show them just how strong I am.

"In 2 days time we will hold the first fights, so the pairs are allowed to start preparing. Both mates are required to fight in these battles as we are both new to becoming leaders and due to the rules we need a Beta and their mate to be strong enough to help the pack whilst we learn. And until a Beta and Beta female are picked, the Council of Werewolves have decided to stay with us for the time being to help stabalize the pack. The six pairs are allowed to access the packs training hall as well as the gym equipment within the pack house. The rest of the pack are allowed to continue like normal. You are all allowed to disperse now." With that Kyle finishes his little speech and heads back over towards the Council members along with Crystal by his side. That was the most mature I've ever heard him talk in my whole life, and to say I was shocked was an understatement.

The pack slowly start to disperse and head back to their houses or rooms within the pack house. Some stick around to introduce themselves to the new Alpha and Luna, probably making sure they make a good impression. I glance over towards the other pairs that were nominated to be the Betas, two of which had headed off and the others were quietly discussing information between them. However, I couldn't help but notice Warrior Neal and his mate Amber bickering over their plans. They didn't seem to be agreeing with each other. After watching them bicker for a bit longer, trying to eavsdrop on their conversation, a quick motion which i catch out of the corner of my eye, draws me away.

I notice Ashen shifting nervously from side to side, next to me. That's when I remember what position I was in. In two days time, I am to fight with at least two other pairs for the Beta position. The two pairs I have to look out for are Ryder and his mate Katie, as well as the old Beta Michael and his mate Winfrey.

However, before I could start making up a plan, a loud voice interrupts my thoughts.

"OH MY GOODNESS AVERY!!!! You could become the next Beta female!" I look in the direction the voice came from and indeed, there was Sher running (well it was more like floundering) over with Blake casually walking behind her at a safe distance. As soon as she arrives to where we were dtanding, she grabs my arms and starts to jump around squealing. Both Ashen and Blake were given her weird looks as she throws her little rejoicing ceremony.

After a while of chatting, mainly Sher trying to convince me of her evil scheme that would give me a sure win, Kyle and Crystal finish up conversing with the Council members and come over to join our conversation.

"Why won't you do it?" Sher whines. "All you got to do is put itching power in their beds the night before the fights, how simple could it get?! Then none of them could fight properly."

"First off, it's meant to be the strongest that would help the Alpha and Luna, not the person with bad sportsmanship. What good would that do," I retaliate back at her. "Why did you even nominate me as a candidate, Kyle?"

"It wasn't actually me that nominated you. It was Crystal," he explains with a shrug of his shoulders. "You wouldn't even be able pass the first fight, let alone win," he adds with a hint of cheekiness in his voice, as if challenging me to actually win. In which I couldn't help but take that challenge.

"You know what? I will actually try, just to prove you wrong. You watch, I'm going to win and become second in charge." A wide grin spreads across Kyle's face, as if gloating.

"I'll hold you to that bet."

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'll try to keep this short. I went away camping this week so I've finally had time to sit down and write. Hopefully I'll also have time to write half of the next chapter during this camp.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you keep reading.


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