Chapter 6: Sher's Bond

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Chapter 6: Sher's Bond

"Slow down Sher, you're hurting my hand," I complain whilst Sher pulls me along away from the scene I had caused earlier.

"Not until I find a deserted place where we can talk privately," she speaks up quickly before yanking my hand faster to keep up with her pace. I glance behind us and I see Harry and Blake standing outside the cafeteria watching us leave. I mouth towards them, 'Help Me,' and by the way, they chucked, I'm guessing they understood what I meant.

Sher drags me out into the yard before she lets go and turns around giving me her 'sassy' pose as she calls it; hand on hip and leg sticking out. "Please explain," she states.

"Do you know how in the legend it says that being a white wolf comes with benefits?" She nods, "well... I can kinda freeze time but it drains my wolf for a few hours if I use it for too long."

Her eyes grow really wide, "YOU CAN KINDA???!!!" She screeches. I nod towards her, about to explain more when she interrupts by putting her pointer finger up silencing me.

"Wait, so how many power do you have?!" Unsure of my answer I quickly try to contact Celestial,

'Hey, by the way, how many powers do I have.'

'You have three in total, but once you find more it'll start draining your energy if you use more than one at a time,' she explains. 'Also if you use one for more than 10 minutes. If you use all your powers at once for more than 30 minutes then you could lose consciousness or even die.'

'Oh, that explains the slight headache I have at the moment.'

'Yes, because it was the first time you released your power,'

'So when will I discover the rest,' I ask knowing how she'll answer.

'You'll have to find out that one,' she says in a singsong like tone.

'How did I know you were going to say that.'

'Cause you love meeee...'

'Whatever, talk to you later,'

'This isn't Facebook,' she laughs before I cut her off.

I come back to reality to see Sher waving her hand in front of my face with a worried look plastered on her face. I blink at her, scaring her a little.

"Where did you go? You were like staring off into space, well not literally space but still, any way you like stopped talking and stopped blinking and stuff," she blabs on.

"Oh, I was just talking to Celestial my wolf," I explain to her telling her what Celest told me about my powers.

"Okay enough about you, I have some good news I think it's good anyway," I look at her quizzically, Sher didn't really get in on the gossip around school.

"I found my mate," she states quickly and softly almost hard to catch.

"WHAT?! That's so great!!"

"Thanks," she says sadly.

"Wait what happened? He didn't reject you did he?! I scream at her, grabbing her and shaking her like I was trying to make her brain into a smoothie.

"No no nothing that bad, it's just that he doesn't know we are mates..."

"What, how can he not know your mates the bond would tell him so if you were true mates," I ask. This is so confusing, she isn't making any sense.

"Don't you remember how the elders said that there are some cases where the other mate doesn't feel anything at all and that both have to see each other in wolf form before they both feel the bond of true mates."

"Ohhh yea I recall something like that, or its when one couple didn't feel the bond but they seem to know it was there," I start remembering the memories she's trying to explain.

"Yea, well I'm scared that it's the starting case cause I can feel the bond since the latter case needs both to not feel the bond," Sher says sadly. I walk up to her and hold in my arms as she wept quietly. I hadn't noticed that she was going through this. It was basically nearly the same as rejection because we had heard that most of these situations had ended in rejection or a broken heart. How come this had to happen to Sher, she was the kindest and most beautiful person a friend or mate could have.

I feel my shoulder getting soaked as Sher cried her heart out. She was squeezing the life out of me and since she had werewolf strength it was starting to hurt, but I didn't mind cause this was all I could do for her at the moment.

"How about I drop you home since I have the car today?" I suggest to her.

"But what about Kyle?" She asks softly stopping her tears for a while.

"Meh, I can text him telling him to catch a ride with his buddies..."

"Such sisterly love," she comments before smiling a little.

"Glad your smiling again, come on I'll drop you home," I say before lifting her to her feet.

During the ride home, we didn't talk much. I could just hear Sher sniffling every now and again. I pull into our pack's street as she says, "Thanks Ave, you're a great friend," softly.

"That's alright, I'll always be here for you... even if you turn into a bloodthirsty monster," I say to her, telling her only the truth and nothing else.

"Aren't I already one, it's called being a werewolf," she chuckles. I pull into our driveway seeing our joint pack house with several smaller building surrounding it, which is what I lived in, whereas Sher inside the pack house. I drive up to the pack house and come to halt.

We sit in silence for a bit before I ask,

"Who is he anyway?" She still looks a bit depressed but she reluctantly answers.


I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while, I just had all my exams. :(

How I hate exams. and studying. and leaving wattpad. :) anyway they're over for a term now. :D

Thx guys for the suggestions in the last chapter, you gave me some great ideas.

And share the love :)

Thx again for reading


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