Chapter 37: Picking the new Beta

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Chapter 37: Picking the new Beta


"May I ask one of you to direct me towards where the cells are kept. Underneath our packhouse, we had jail cells made of silver to keep any rogues that crossed our borders in. I look towards Kyle and Crystal, but I realise that they would probably have to introduce themselves and get to know one another first. So I volunteer.

"Yea, I can show where they are. But may I ask why you need to go there?"

"We are going to keep the old alpha's son and his girlfriend down there until I can have someone excort them out of the borders..."

The dank smell of the wet stone slabs grew stronger as we climb down the staircase to the cells. This was the first time I was ever allowed to go down past the spiralling stairs. Only the Alpha and Beta were allowed down here unless you were ask by them to go down.

Even though the house had running electricity and a modern day atmosphere, as soon as you step into the stairs it's as though youve gone back 500 years. Stone slab bricks line the inside of the stairs, the cracked stoned were layered on top of each other, caked with moss due the mosisture and humidity within the staircase.

To get to the bottom, I have to carry a flame-lit stick to light up the medieval looking torches hanging on the side of the stairs. It was as though everything around the cells evolved with technology but decided the cells should stay the same. Once I reach the bottom, I quickly extinguish the flames with the bucket of old water sitting by the unused guard's chair. Maddox thanks me as he guides both Sam and Chloe into one of the holding cells. Chloe would not stop complaining the whole time coming down the stairs and it seemed to have pissed of Sam, who was currently arguing with her about whose fault it was.

Before leaving Maddox wishes to see me after about the matter. I rush back upstairs with Maddox's approval, so he could have a talk with them, only to find that Seera had finished introducing Crystal to everyone as the new Luna. Wait... If Crystals the Luna, does that make Kyle the Alpha?! Then what does that make me? Hell yea! I'm the alpha's sister.

"Attention everyone! It has now come time for Alpha Kyle and Luna Crystal to announce who they want as the candidates for the Beta position. Once the candidates are nominated they will be assigned to one on one matches. The nominees must have a  mate to accompany them so that both the alpha and Luna will have support later on. The match will be two on two until a winner remains. Also, Alpha and Luna please pick members that you trust with your life and that will respect your authority. That's all. I'll leave the selection to the Alpha and Luna." With all that said, Seera steps away and returns to where all the Council members were standing.

I notice Kyle and Crystal talking between each other, my guess, they are probably discussing who they want as Beta. As law the old Beta is allowed the chance to 'reapply' for the Beta role and is always given a spot within the competition. Most likely he will become beta again. Although it was one on one matches last time, since neither Kyle and Crystal grew up with training by the Alpha or Luna, the council wants a beta and their mate so both the Alpha and Luna has someone to help them.

I make my way over to where Ashen, Sher and Blake where standing, to find them discussing who would become Beta.

"My guess is on the old Beta. He's already gone through a Beta testing before and he also had to deal with Alpha James so he's got experience." Sher explains to both Blake and Ashen.

"But you never know, someone else who wasn't picked last time could easily overpower him." Blake decides to put his viewpoint out there as well. They both look towards Ashen to see which side he was on, however, Ashen was just looking off into the distance not paying attention, seemingly bored. I chuckle making my presence known to them.

Ashen looks over and his eyes light up. He slowly shuffles closer to where I am standing, however doesn't come close enough to burst his comfort bubble. The thought counts though.

"Oh Avery! Who do you think is going to become Beta? Beta Michael or someone new?" Sher immediately drags me into the conversation. She gives me a look thats telling me I  I need to side with her. I know what she's playing at and I'm not falling for it.

"Who knows... Anything could happen." I tend to never pick sides I always decide to just sit on the fence with my bowl of popcorn and watch all the drama fold out.

"Ha! See! She's saying that someone new could come along." Blake starting the argument first. Bad idea...

"You dumbass. She clearly means that Beta Michael is going to stay in charge." Sher fires back.

Ahhhh how perfect they are for each other. Sher's always wanted someone to argue with. As the two lovebirds carry on like newlyweds, I notice Kyle and Crystal stepping forwards to talk.

"Attention everyone." Sher and Blake's argument dies down as they tune into what Kyle and Crystal have to say. Now that's how you stop an argument. "We have decided on six pairs, if your name is called please come forwards an wait for the match order to be decided. First pair is Beta Michael and his mate Winfrey. Second pair is Warrior Neal and his mate Amber." Both Michael and Neal step forward with their mates. Neal was one of the stronger warriors our pack has, whoevers versing these guys will have a tough time.

Kyle stops talking and Crystal starts instead. She lists out two other pairs of older members that were loyal to training the pack or helping the alpha. Then Kyle announced the last two pairs.

"The fifth pair is Omega Ryder and his mate Katie." One of Kyle's best friend's Ryder and his mate step forward nervously and stand alongside the older members. So far they were the only younger pair out of the group.

"And last but not least, my sister Avery and her mate Ashen..."

Wait... Did I hear that correctly?

Hey guys long time no hear. See what I did there... No... alright sorry.

Anyways sorry guys you havent heard from me in a while. I was busy with work and then when I was going to wrife, I got some virus thing and Ive been sick for a whole week and it's still not better. My brain was to groggy and drouzy to think and write so excuse me if there is any spelling mistakes my head not quite there.

Hope you enjoyed reading the chapter and hopefully I can get another one out soon.

Love Willow

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