Chapter 58: Misunderstandings

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Chapter 58: Misunderstandings


"I'm ready... To complete the rest of the mating process..." I admit nervously... I had no clue what I am doing but I trust in our bond.

"Are you sure," He looks at me, his eyes full of love and passion.

"Yes... I don't think its possible to love you any more than I already do." He looks at me and it was as if every ounce of breath was stolen from my lungs and escaping into the early morning air. A mysterious feeling swells within my heart. This feeling is so strange; it stretches throughout my whole body, warming it with multiple emotions at once. It's overwhelming, yet somehow manages to make me feel so complete. It feels as though my heart is rejoicing and celebrating around in my chest; and a hole, I was never aware of, has been filled. I feel so free as if I'm on top of the world, yet my heart is tightening and it feels as if there's no oxygen in my lungs. So this is what Love is.

I feel something besides me start to stir. I try to stretch my arms out in order to wake myself up, however, they get constricted by something. Confused, I open my eyes drowsily and blink a couple of times to remember my surroundings. I sense something weighing down over my midsection, so I strain my neck to try to see what it is. I notice Ashens arm draped over my stomach, keeping me in place. Seeing as he snuggles closer, it seems like I won't be able to get up for a while without disturbing him. I lay my head back down and allow my eyes to rest again. 

I begin to wake up once again when I feel Ashen start to move. I can't help but let a large yawn before lazily sitting up and rubbing my eyes to rid them of the sleepiness left behind. I move my messed up hair out of my face before staring up at Ashen. He offers me a loving simple, in which I return back. Now that we had both completed the mating process, our bond was closer than ever and we would no longer be able to survive without the other. We had both agreed that I should head back to the pack today and try to change my family's concept of Ashen. 

I quickly wash up in the small lake in the cave before getting changed and readying myself to return back. I've already mind-linked Crystal telling her I was on my way back after she freaked out when she found me missing. I hug Ashen, the bond tearing at both our hearts as he wishes me luck. I shift into my brown wolf form before running off, trying to force myself to keep going forward. The time it takes to get back to my house, allows me time to organize my thoughts and prepare myself for what I am going to have to say. It was as if I had to memorize a school speech or something... I shiver at the thought of the horror before realizing I've arrived at the house. My mother stands sternly, waiting at the door, whilst Kyle, Sher, and Crystal all peer out nervously from behind the door. 

'Let me take over if it gets too hard,' Celestial offers kindly. Most of her bitterness towards my mother had dissolved. During the time I locked myself up, Celestial resented my mother for separating us from Ashen, however, didn't fully hate her as she knew how important she is to me.  

"Avery Gardenia Lockhart! You better explain yourself right now!" I slowly walk up to the house, however, I make sure to keep my distance just in case my mother's wolf takes over due to its protective instinct.  "Why are you coming back with a new scent? Don't tell me..." My guilty face proves her thought to be correct. Sher and Crystal silently cheer from the background, as I also notice their own scents have changed and they display small marks on their necks. I momentarily forget my mother's anger and before I realize she is storming towards me with her eyes slightly glowing. 

"Where is he?! I'll kill him!" Sadness and hurt overwhelm me as I watch my mother go into a fury. Ashen senses my feelings through our strengthened bond and sends me a few reassuring words through the link. Kyle rushes forwards to stop her, holding her back inches away from me.

"Just let her explain herself for a second. Calm down and hear her story, she wouldn't help him without a reason." Kyle tries to reason with her, making sure to keep a strong grip on her so she doesn't lose control.

"How could anything make it better! My daughter's mate is a murderer! There should be no explanation for a reason to help him or side with him." It was as though she threw a thousand needles at my heart with her words. The pain emitting from within was enough to bring tears to my eyes. 

"He wasn't a murderer! He was a test subject!" I scream no longer being able to handle my mother's harsh words towards my mate. I could handle her being angry with my actions to disappear without telling them, but to get angry at Ashen for something he didn't do, I couldn't watch any longer. Tears stream down my face unable to stop them anymore. 

"What?"  My mother hesitates for a second and her glowing eyes disappear. Confusion clouds her eyes as she stops fighting Kyle and watches me instead. Kyle also freezes at my words turning towards me with questioning eyes, dropping his arms from holding my mother back. Sher and Crystal were still inside the doorway watching shocked by the new information.

"I said he was a test subject. His parents experimented on him until his wolf finally took over and killed them by accident." Noticing her no longer being controlled by her wolf instincts I continue, "They knew he was the white wolf's mate so they experimented on him to see how much pain he could handle before his healing power took over. They almost killed him several times. They are the murderers, not him!" Celestials power starts to take over as my eyes begin to glow in anger. Seeing me in pain brings tears to my mother's eyes and I also see it affecting Kyle in a way.

Everyone grows quiet, silence falling over the whole area. Only the birds could be heard at this point. My legs tremble underneath me, causing me to collapse on the ground crying my eyes out. "It's all because of me..." I whisper, whimpering to myself. Everyone breaks out of their daze and rushes over to support me. After a few minutes of letting out my bottled up emotions, I calm down. My mother watches me intently, probably thinking over her next decision. 

"Alright... I'll listen to his story." Hope soars through me and I look over to my mother with tear-filled eyes. 'However... I want to hear it from him..." She offers me a small smile, promising me she wouldn't hurt him in return. I nod furiously, showing her my eager agreement. After a few more hugs from Sher and Crystal, I change into my white wolf, not having enough energy to change to my brother's form. 

I give the others a toothy grin before running off into the forest. Excited and Happiness pushes me forwards as I reach closer to Ashen, the bond dragging us closer together. I lose all sense of my surroundings and I focus all my thoughts on reaching him. However, I would never have been able to expect what happened next. Suddenly, a sharp pain strikes the back of my head as someone knocks me out. Darkness starts to take over my vision as I manage to catch sight of who it was. That strange man that met with Kyle that one night I ran away... Beta Navier...


Hey guys!!! IM SO SORRY TO LEAVE IT THERE! You're all going to hate me... I'll try to get another chapter out by next week, so I hope you all look forward to it. 

I feel like I don't really reveal much about myself to you guys. So if you guys were interested in learning more about me, I answered 73 questions about myself. There are also some tips and tricks to how i write my books. You can find in on GeekyOptimist's profile in a book called 73 questions with Wattpad Authors. I hope you all check it out it might even contain a secret about a Easter egg.

Hope you all enjoyed the next chapter, and look forward to the next update!

Love you all!

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