Chapter 16: Prisoners

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Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in over a month, but I'm going through a stressful time at the moment. One of my friends is having a really hard time, and she has previously resorted to cutting, so I'm trying to support her. I'm also going through my final exams before I leave for university, so I'm trying not to stress out too much. But I found that writing helps a lot, so thanks guys for supporting my book. Also check out the song 'The lost ones' by Forte, I'm loving this song.

The picture above is of Crystal (not when she is captured, but what she looks like normally), and yes she has pastel pink hair.

I love you guys so much... So here's the long awaited chapter...

Love Willow

Chapter 16: Prisoners

I direct my gaze to where the sound had come from and what I see angers me, my anger wasn't really directed at what I saw but more to what the rogues had done.

They uncurl and look me directly in the eyes and whimper slightly again.

"Avery?" They croak out.

There was Crystal beaten, bloody, and tear-stained...
Avery's POV

What the rogues had down to her was atrocious, her body was malnourished and shows signs of slowly healed bruised and deep gashes. Her eyes are glazed over with her tears as they stray down her cheeks following the swollen red lines from her previous tears.

"Wh-what are yo-u doing-g here," she manages to get out whilst her teeth were loudly chattering from the cold. She was wearing just an oversized stained shirt. It seems the original colour was suppose to be white, but with all the dirt, blood and soaked spots you could hardly tell. I snap out of thought and dash over to the cage. I reach out to grab the bars, but she yells at me before I can touch it.

"Don't touch it! It's made out of silver, it burns when you touch it," She manages to yell before I touch it. I glance down at her hands noticing the burnt swollen skin, she had clearly not given up on trying to escape. I feel Celest start to stir slightly before hearing her voice in my head.

'You can touch it. It doesn't properly affect us white Wolves. Only a certain type of silver obtained from the moon can cause serious burns. This silver will only send a few slight tingles through your body, it won't hurt,' she comments, knowing an awfully a lot about being a white wolf. Wait... Never mind she is a white wolf. Facepalming myself, I look up to Crystal slightly smiling up at me. I tilt my head toward her, just like a dog would do when she was confused.

"You were talking to your wolf."

"Wha- how? How'd you know found my wolf? You went missing around the same time the rest of the school found out," I stare at her gob smacked.

"I could always feel the connection between Were's and their wolves. I am half witch after all," she explains calmly as if there was no big deal.

"A witch?!" Witches were banned from mating with anyone outside their species, especially werewolves, as they could become too powerful.

"I'll explain later... Just get me out of here please," she whimpers softly, "they hang the keys over there." I follow her pointed finger to a small chain of keys hanging on the wall next to a stool. Convenient... These guys truly have no brains. I walk over towards the keys, but before I could grab them I heard a new unknown voice. Although this voice was not demanding, it was soft and hard to hear.

"Don't touch them..." It creaks out. I turn towards the voice to see a dark curled up silhouette in the only other closed cell. "They're silver too." I identify it as a boy's voice almost around the same age as Crystal and I, well it sounded like it anyway. "The guards normally wear protective gloves to use them."

'Don't worry, you can grab them,' Celest's weak voice echoes within my mind. I decide to trust her as she has been a white wolf longer then me. I grab the keys as both the boy and Crystal let out a small cry. I race over to Crystal cell and quickly unlock it.

"Ho-how?" Crystal asks, she is still sitting on the floor with a shocked look on her face. I rush to her side to support her as she slowly stands up, cautious of her injuries. She hobbles out of cell and leans against the wall whilst I run over to the boy's cell, which I also unlock. It seems that his wounds were not as bad, as he could get up properly and need no support. As he walked out into the more lighted area, I notice that his body was covered in old faded scars that didn't heal properly due to the surrounding silver cages. I look up to his face and our eyes connect.

My heart immediately stops. Mate... His deep sea blue eyes widen as he also realises out situation. I start to get lost in the waves of his eyes and I feel myself spacing out. Celest starts yipping and gaining slightly more energy from the closeness of our mate. Then I feel shaking. I snap out of my trance to find a panicking Crystal.

"I feel presences and voices coming down the staircase. They are in wolf form and are running right towards us," I guess her witch powers are helpful too. I'm guessing that they found the knocked out body of the guard I ran into earlier. Wait this is no time to be thinking. I gotta get them out of here fast. But I can't use my power quite yet, Celest is still feeling drained... Crap! I guess my only option is to run in my wolf form and hopeful get past them. I look at both of them hoping they won't freak out.

"Ok... Imma get you out of here but you can't freak out, ok?" They both look at me confused but slightly panicked. I shift...


SHE FOUND HER MATE!!!!! Yayyyyyyyy....

Sorry it's kinda short today...

Ok guys serious question here... For her second power I was wondering:
1. Healing - might have a lot of problems when it comes to the war

2. Elements - very overpowered though... Or I could just be just one of them (maybe fire)

You guys take a vote and whichever one wins I will include.

Thanks again for reading..
Love Ya!


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