Chapter 13 : Missing in Action

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Chapter 13: Missing in Action

"What are you doing out here?" He asks me warily.

"I was just coming over from the separate houses to the pack house to visit my friend," I explain to him.

"Do you know anything about the rogue appearance?" I tilt my head at him showing my confusion.

"What rogues?"
Avery's POV

Rouges?! What if one of them saw me running in my wolf form! No no no...Surely I would have sensed them or at least smelt their horrid rotten smell if they were anywhere near me... Right? I look up to see the guard looking at me cautiously, still suspicious if I had any involvement with the rouges.

His nose moves slightly to catch my scent and nods as he realizes I would have their scent on me if I had helped them.

"I will guide you to the pack house just in case there are any left." I nod towards him, thankfully.

"Do you know why they are in our territory," I ask, hoping it wasn't to do with me being a white wolf.

"We sensed them near the pack house and by the time we got there from our guarding post all we found was a note saying 'We took your Luna'."

"Luna? But we don't have one." Our alpha was stupid enough to reject his mate because she was weak and he had another girlfriend at the time. After his girlfriend found her own mate she left him and moved away. After she left, our Alpha decided that he would go search for his rejected mate, only to find that she died from the heartbreak as she wasn't lucky enough to find a second chance mate, leaving us with no Luna. And thankfully due to his alpha blood he didn't die from the rejection, However, it left him very sour towards other pack members with mates.

"That's what all our guards wondered so we figured that it was the future alpha's mate," he explains.

"They took Sam's mate!" I shouted which earns a growl from the guard.

"Respect him mutt, he is your future alpha!"

"Sorry..." I quietly mumble as we trudge along in the forest.

"So why aren't we sending out a search party if they took our future Luna?" I ask shortly after.

"That's the thing, future alpha states that his mate is his current girlfriend Chloe. But when we went to look for her she was walking around in plain sight after the rogue attack, so she wasn't actually taken." Oh, yea... Chloe is dating Sam, but they don't actually act like mates. Chloe cheats on him basically every day and he doesn't give a damn.

"So who did they take then?"

"No-one apparently, Us Guards think it's just a trap to go and draw the guards way so they can attack. But what they don't know is that the future alpha already found his mate," he explains as if all the pieces fall into place. But to me, something doesn't add up... It just feels like there is something wrong with the situation.

"Wait! Why am I even telling you all this? You're not allowed to know any of this so don't tell anyone else," the guard starts to freak out like he just gave away the worlds biggest secret. All I do is just nod at him and continue walking.

I follow the guard all the way to the house still anxious about the story behind the taken 'Luna.' Being the paranoid person I am my mind starts to wonder... Could they be talking about my wolf rather than the alpha's mate? Are they trying to say that they are after my wolf... No that can't be it no one knows about her except mum... And Kyle... And Sher,' I think to myself. In Fact, Celestial is being very quiet today for some reason.

'Just thinking about something,' is all she says before going silent again. I just mentally shrug it off and go back to reality to see the pack house in view.
I thank the guard and head off towards Sher's room. I knock at her door but receive no reply, so I open the door and decide to wait for her. But I am greeting with the lovely sight of my two friends having a heated make-out session. I quickly look away to silently gag and clear my throat, making Sher's head quickly jerk towards my direction. Her eyes widen and a crimson red blush forms on her cheeks as she looks down at the pose her and Blake were in. She was currently straddling him on the couch with her arms up his shirt.

She gives a nervous chuckle and gets off Blake "Why didn't you knock?!" She half-yells embarrassingly at me.

"I did... But you didn't answer." I take a seat on the opposite couch to them and continue, "did you hear what happened earlier?"

Sher tilts her head, "you mean the rouges?" I blink at her several times, how is she so calm about this?!


"All I heard was that rogues had passed through our territory and that's all." Blake pitches into the conversation. Sher nods her head to signify she heard the same thing. Oh, right the guard said that no one should know...

"What's wrong Av? You look worried," Sher asks worriedly.

"It's just that I have a feeling that we are all missing something..."

"Anyways... Why are you here? No offense but you never come here," Sher says and looks at me suspiciously.

"Uhh... Oh, yea I was looking for someone."



"Why are you looking for that slu-" she goes to cuss and I give her a pointed look, "SLUG! I meant slug."

"Sure you did..." Blake chuckles at her.

"She's not actually that bad... She just tags along  with Chloe and Hollie, she's never actually bullied me, or even looked me in the eyes before."

"That's true... She's never looked at me either...."

"Well I haven't seen her for several days and I've notice that she's no longer following around those two fake orange barbie dolls anymore." Blake raises an eyebrow at my use of insults.

"She's just gone like... Missing."


MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS!!!! For me, here in Australia, it is Christmas Day and I decided to give you all a gift by updating!
I'm so excited we've almost hit 3000 reads!! :O
Thanks, guys SOOOOOO much!
Hope you all have a massive happy Christmas!


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