Chapter 65: Darkness

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Chapter 65: Darkness


Spotting the white and blue house I run towards his direction hoping that he will stay safe. I notice a few rogues stopping their fights and staring at me as I am running past with terrified looks on the faces. Even a couple of pack members just stand there with their mouths hanging open in shock.

The house gets closer and just as I am about to turn the corner, I feel a sharp pain run through me. My blood feels as though it was set on fire and my neck starts stinging in pain. The mark... I force myself to keep running, panic running through me knowing what the pain meant, but not believing. I turn the corner only to come to a dead stop and my body breaks down.

There stood Scar's wolf standing over Ashen's limp body with blood dripping from his mouth.


My body starts to shake furiously and I try to hold down my sobbing. I can feel myself starting to go into shock before my eyes drift over the Scar smirking over Ashen's body slumped on the ground. In the shock of it all, I had shifted back to my human form and started running towards them.

I freeze time and in an instant I am beside Scar and looking over Ashen's body before I let go of my hold on time to allow it to continue flowing. My body won't stop shaking as I bend down and hold Ashen's head in my hands, tears stream down my face as he doesn't respond. "Ash.. please baby respond... Don't leave me here alone..." I wrap my hands around Ashen's neck and entangle my fingers through his fur. I slowly place my head near his heart only to hear silence. He's gone...

"Just the lady I was looking for," Scar's voice comes from beside me as I feel a pair of cold hands yank me up from Ashen's body. "They told me you would be coming." I don't react to his words at all, I just feel numb... My brain completely shuts off and I can't hold the pain back any longer. My blood screams out in pain and the mark Ashen left on my neck begins to burn the surrounding skin, removing the mark from existence. I can't hear anything anymore, nor can I focus my sights onto anything in front of me. I just feel dead inside. He did this... HE TOOK ASHEN FROM ME!

I let out a blood curdling scream as everything in my vision turns red. I feel the hold over my powers slip just before I push him away from be and release all the power I have in me.

'AVERY NO!' Celest screams at me. 'If you use all your powers you'll lose control and could possibly die. Ashen wouldn't want you to go like this!'

I don't care anymore... All I can feel is the hatred inside of me, there's nothing else left except a hole where my heart was. Ashen took that part with him when he left. All I want now is for Scar to die and if that kills me in the process then I can be with Ashen. A final sad smile crosses my face, as I let go of the final tear.


With muttering that, I let go of the remaining hold I have on my powers. It feels as though I no longer have control of my body and I am just watching from inside. I curl up into a ball, clutching my legs tightly wishing that this was all a dream. I watch as I harness the thunder and lightning and use the strong winds against the rogues. I watch as I create a hurricane with it to sweep all the wolves, both friends and foes in the vicinity into it. Scar gets up off the ground and tries to approach me again.

Knowing that I won't cooperate with him, he goes into a defensive stance. His snarl allows for his sharp teeth to be on full display. I watch as my wolf grows double the size I normally am and pounces on top of him.  He tries to fight back and squirm out from underneath me, but to stop him from getting away, I latch onto the scruff around his neck with my teeth. The taste of blood fills the inside of my mouth making me feel nauseated, but it's not like I have control over my body anymore.

He tries to kick me off him and bite and claw my paws, but considering my new size he has no luck. Since I am still latched onto his neck, he is able to reach one of my ears and bites on it. In pain I let go his scruff and try to shake his hold off of me. As he tries to stand up, I ram him with my head, which causes him to go flying a couple of metres away.

In the time I have to regain my focus, he has gotten up and is running towards the direction of the forest. I watch as time freezes and I catch up to him immediately. I bite on his back leg crushing his bone to prevent him from running.

He yelps loudly causing a couple rogues that weren't swept away to watch what was going on. After the sight of their Boss getting defeated, most of them start to retreat. I harness the thunder to strike a couple wolves running away as well as to run the lightning through Scar's body. This causes him to get knocked out, knowing what is going to happen next.

I flinch away and close my eyes when I go to attack him, not wanting to see anymore bloodshed that would remind me of him. When I notice everything grows quite, I realise my body has frozen time and looks over the field, gazing over the bodies of the fallen and injured as well as a couple who survived. I look down to see bright red blood covering my once pure white fur. I did this... I caused everyone's pain... I'm a monster.

A sharp pain splits through my head as my gaze begins to darken. All strength in my body starts to fade as I collapse onto the ground next the Ashen. By now we had both regressed into our human forms, so the last thing I could manage to do is grab Ashen's hand and interlace our fingers before my consciousness fades away. So this is what you felt in your final moments...

Hopefully the next time open my eyes I will be able to see you again.



My eyes slowly drift open and all I see is darkness. There's no walls, no floor, no sky... Nothing but darkness surrounding me. Where am I? What happened? I try to think back on what I can remember last, all I can remember is me running. Running through the forest, but where to? I remember the urge to run to someone... No to stop someone? To protect someone?

Confusion clouds my mind and The more I try to think, the more a splitting headache begins to grow. I hold my head, as I try to push into my memories a bit further. after getting nothing else except the pain from this headache I give up. Why am I here? Am I meant to do something?

So many questions just flood through my head, overpowering my thoughts. It only causes me to curl up tighter into a ball and try to cover my ears to quiet down the loud chattering that I hear. I try to close my eyes to go to sleep, but I don't feel tired. In fact I don't anything.


Hey guys, hope you are enjoying the updates. I've realized how much left I have of the book which is inspiring me to at least finish the book for you. There will probably be around 5 more chapters until the book is finish!!!

Hope you guys stick around to read the ending


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