Chapter 54: Pain Killer

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And the winner of the competition is....


Congratulations!!! 🎉🎉🎉
Your story was really well written and managed to hold past tense throughout the whole story (which is my weakness, honestly). You described the training scenes very well, and included enough romance into it. I love how you included both of the character's cheekiness and also a comment from celestial in there. It captures both Ashens and Avery's personalities and characters in certain aspects.

Check out her book.

I've included a small blurb about her book that she sent to me, so feel free to check it out if you are interested.

°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°Nixie, a seventeen-year-old girl runs into trouble when her sleepwalking gets out of hand, resulting in her meeting with a ruthless Alpha in the forest, sealing her fate. She is his mate, and he will stop at nothing to make her his.
Even by force.Knowing that she would be coerced to carry an heir, she wastes no time to run away as far as she could. Welcome to a world, where elves and fairies dwell in peace, deep in the forest. Welcome to a story about a girl who only wanted her free will back. Welcome to: Run.

Chapter 54: Pain Killer


As I get closer to my destination, I sense Celestial start to stir as she starts to feel the bond strengthen once again. Being away from Ashen for several days has weakened the bond between Celestial and Skull. But as I arrive at the entrance to the hidden cave, only Crystal, Ashen and I know about, I start to feel the bond drag me closer.

He's definitely here...

Making sure there are no other presences nearby, I push aside the vines covering the entrance and walk inside. I use my enhanced vision to help navigate through the cave in the dark. Once I start to recognise the end of the cave, I sense the butterflies starting in my stomach. It didn't help that I could feel Celestial bouncing around within my mind.

I step out onto the soft grass, momentarily blinded from the light. Once my eyes readjust, I hurriedly look around, searching for Ashen.

I quickly spot a ball of black fur curled up, hiding at the back of the cave in the shadows. I also notice the the punching bag, and several other fighting contraptions we had brought over and installed into the cave. Being here again with Ashen, reminds me of when we were training before the fights. When the other pairs were using the gym, Ashen and I would meet up here to train. My cheeks instantly flush a light pink thinking of what happened that day.

Flashback to training (MermaidsAndStarfish's story)

"Please Ash, my arms hu–hurt so bad! Can we–we just brea–break for a little bit? We've been at this fo–for over an hour now." I gasped out, sluggishly throwing another punch at the bag that we had rigged to the cave ceiling. I glanced over my shoulder, to see Him staring at me, grinning at my suffering. The jerk. He looked down at the stopwatch in his hand, causing his dark bangs to fall across his face.

"Nope," He said, popping the P. "You still have another fifteen minutes to go." His gaze locked with mine, his deep blue eyes glittering with warmth, and pride. I groaned in reply. "Tell you what; you finish this, and I'll give you something to help the pain go away. I'm sure we have some kind of pain reliever or something like that around here." I just harrumphed. If He was going to go all 'Army Sergeant' on me, then he would have to face the consequences. "What? No 'Oh Thank you Ash! You saved me! How can I ever show you my appreciation?'" He asked, batting his eyelashes, and speaking in a high pitched voice. I rolled my eyes, but couldn't stop the small grin that broke out across my face. I knew what He was trying to do; he was trying to take my mind off of the exhaustion. And, though I hated to admit it, it was working. But what had made me really happy, was that he was slowly coming out of his shell, and enjoying life like a normal werewolf. He was warming up to me slowly and started joking around and getting to know me more.

I threw another punch, before wiping a bead of sweat off my head, and twisting my body back to kick the punching bag. I watched in satisfaction as the bag swung out a good distance, a resounding smack echoing through the room. "Time!" He yelled. I breathed out a sigh of relief, and dropped to the soft dirt of our cave floor. Chuckling, Asher made his way over to me, and dropped down beside my – probably dead-looking – form. He held out a damp towel and water bottle to me, which I gladly accepted. 

"Thank you." I unscrewed the lid, and poured it down my throat, finishing the bottle in one go. He grabbed me by my shoulders, and pulled me into a side-hug. "You're welcome."  

"Now, what about that magical medicine I heard so much about?" I asked, glancing up at him, and raising an eyebrow. He leaned closer to me, his nose brushing mine. 

"I didn't say it was a medicine." He whispered softly, his piercing blue eyes gazing lovingly into my vibrant green and blue ones. My breathing grew shallow, and my heart started to beat faster and faster, until it felt as if it would jump from my chest. 

 "W–well what kind of pain killer is it?"

"This kind." He softly brushed his lips against mine, gently caressing them like the most precious rubies in the entire world. Sparks traveled through my body, making me curl my toes, and bring my arms around His neck, pulling him closer to me. His smell intoxicated me, making me want to move even closer, which seemed impossible due to how close we already were. My hands ventured up and got entangled in his hair, as we both lost sense of time. After a while, we broke away, and He leaned his forehead against mine; his warm breath brushing against my cheeks, and his thick, black eyelashes fanning against his own cheeks. 

"I love you so much it nearly hurts." I whispered, still not removing my arms. His torso rumbled against my own as he chuckled. "What?" I asked Him. 

"I love you too... So much more than you could ever know..." 

 "And that's why you were laughing?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"No. I was laughing because you obviously don't need medicine of any kind to fix you. All you need is me." He grinned, flashing his white teeth. I backed away from Him, playfully swatting his chest. 

"Shut up." I mumbled, hiding my glowing cheeks behind my hair.

'Ah, but you know He's right.' Celestia said, mentally smirking. 

"Aw, but you look so adorable when you blush!" He lightly pinched my cheek, the rough pad of his thumb and index finger brushing it, and making me shiver. I cleared my throat. 

"All better now!" Rats! That came out a lot squeakier than I had hoped. "Let's get back t–to training. . ." He laughed, and stood, pulling me up with him. 

"Okay, good. Drop and give me 200 pushups. I promise, I'll do it alongside you, and I'll even race you." I grinned at the competition, and immediately obeyed.


Thanks again MermaidsAndStarfish for the awesome short story.

And to everyone... Seriously check out her story, Run. I, myself am probably going to be reading it over the next few days as I love her writing style. Thanks again to everyone that entered. There were several good ones, but Mermaid's took the cake.

Love you guys

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