Chapter 53: Suspicious Visitor

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Chapter 53: Suspicious Visitor


"But wants important now is that Avery has to find Ashen. His mind is being swallowed up with guilt and pain. He has resorted to a similar situation to you, but it's much more concerning. Both of us have tried talking to him, but he can't even hear us as he is so caught up in his mind that's it's taken him captive. Just like it almost did with you before Destiny brought you here. So we all ask if you can go see him, you know where he will be..."

That is the last thing I hear, before everything around fades and I am brought back to my room.


The chill of the night wind creeps through my window. I glance over towards the opened window, wondering when exactly I had opened it. Shivering, I wrap myself in my blanket tighter. Then I remember my mission... I did know where exactly he was... There was only one place he could go to hide, without leaving the pack boundry.

I bolt up out of bed and rush around my room, as quietly as possible so I don't wake up anyone in the house. I chuck on my shifting clothes that won't rip when I shift and put on a jacket to keep me warm. I climb out of my window and shift into my brown wolf form, as soon as I hit the ground.

I take off running in the direction where I would find him. Adrenaline and nervousness begins to flow through my veins as I get closer to my destination.

Suddenly, I sense a pair of eyes watching me, and they were definitely not friendly. Chills course through my fur as I slow down, to come to a stop. This sense is exactly the same as when we were travelling through the forest with the Council.

I sniff the air, only to distinguish an unfamiliar scent. I quickly tune into my surroundings to see if I could sense any presences nearby. I use all my wolf abilities to their extent.

Directly to my right, I sense two presences, one consisting of the unknown person. Fearing they may be rogues, I rush off in the direction the presences were located. I allow Celestial to cover my presence and scent before I arrive at a small opening within the forest, only to find a man I've never seen before standing in the middle. I lower myself to the ground, hoping he hasn't noticed me yet, and watch him quietly. I take cover behind a group of bushes so that im hidden. There's something familiar about him, but I couldn't quite figure it out. I've never seen him in my life, however his scent... I've definitely smelt it before. But where?

Suddenly, I sense the other presence coming closer. The sound of leaves and sticks breaking under their footsteps allow me to determine where they are. As they reach the edge of the opening, I'm welcomed with a very familiar face...

Kyle? Why would Kyle be meeting this strange man at night. I decide to watch for a few more minutes before I make a move. I use my enhanced hearing to try to catch their conversation.

"Hello Beta Navier. I'm very glad that you could meet me at this time of hour." Kyle begins, as he sticks his hand out for a handshake. So this unknown man is a Beta? Faintly, I remember Kyle telling me another Beta is arriving to help train Ryder and Katie, whilst I was locked away in my room. But why would he be meeting him in the middle of the night. "The man we are looking for is my sisters mate... He should still be inside the borders, but all the packs trackers can't seem to find him."

No... Crap! They are trying to track down Ashen still. I can't get caught, let alone let my scent lead them towards him either. Before my mind can panic, I hear the stranger begin to talk.

"Don't say too much... We have another visitor listening in..." His voice! I've heard it before... But where?! Wait... Is he talking about me. Did he manage to detect my presence, even with Celestial covering it?  I watch as Kyle discreetly looks around the opening.

"Reveal yourself! Come out so we can talk, instead of hiding like a coward." Kyle exclaims loudly, as they both glance around unsure of my specific location.

Before I can reveal myself and step out, I hear more rustling to my left. Another wolf slowly steps forwards from a bush beside me. They uncover their scent and straight away I knew who it was.

"What are you doing out so late, Crystal?" Kyle questions her, as she steps closer. How long has she been hiding there for? Did she know I was there too?

'Avery?' Suddenly, Crystal's voice echoes through my mind. 'I'll keep them distracted so you can go find Ashen. I know he's not a bad guy and I don't fully trust this new Beta yet, there's something suspicious about him. But I'll keep this short so Kyle doesn't notice anything's up. Use your powers to sneak away so they don't hear anything.'

So she did know I was there all along. I release my hold on controlling my power, and watch as my paws turn from brown into white fur. Since I can't use any other powers being in another wolf form, I have to use my white wolf form to be able to stop time. I freeze time and double check that it's working before running off in the direction I was heading in the first place. I send Crystal a quick thank you through our mind-link.

As I get closer to my destination, I sense Celestial start to stir as she starts to feel the bond strengthen once again. Being away from Ashen for several days has weakened the bond between Celestial and Skull. But as I arrive at the entrance to the hidden cave, only Crystal, Ashen and I know about, I start to feel the bond drag me closer.

He's definitely here...


Hey guys!! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in ages. The Wattpad app was being a bit funny over the last week for me, but I'm finally done with the next chapter.

Hope you guys enjoyed it and will continue reading.

Love you all

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