Chapter 24: Freakout

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"Sadly, we didn't find anything. However! If anyone hears or knows about where the White Wolf is located, you must inform me immediately. Or there will be punishments. Thank you, you are all dismissed now."

All the wolves start to head off, and I intend to do the same. However, Sher grabs my ear in her jaws, not too tightly thankfully, and starts to drag me off towards her room inside the pack house. Kyle notices this and decides to follow as well, probably to get some answers for himself.


"Now would you like to explain yourself?" Sher asks once we were all clothed after we shifted back. Kyle had managed to scab some clothes off of a guy a few doors down from Sher, as he refused to wear any of her 'girly' clothes.

"Well... It's kind of my second power..." I say slowly, knowing she will freak out as she did when she heard about my first one.

"Oh I see. Well that's just fine..." She starts to say, but I don't really think that the words had sunken in yet. "Wait... WHAT?! You have a new po-" I quickly cover her mouth.

"Shhhhh! I would like it if your whole floor didn't know about my powers, thank you very much!" I whisper-yell at he. "Now will you be quiet and just listen?" She nods frantically at me so I release my hand from her mouth. She pretends to zip up her lips and silently sits cross-legged on her bed. Kyle just watches amusingly whilst he leans against her door. "Sooooo, basica-"

"So basically you're a chameleon!" Sher shouts excited, "Oh whoops... Sorry," she whispers after realizing her mistake and zips her lips together once again.

"Firstly, do you even have a mute button?! Secondly I thought I was a chameleon too. But noooooooo, I have to be a wolf rather that a chameleon. I can basically shift into any wolf I see shifting... If that makes sense."

For the first time Kyle speaks up, "So since you saw me shifting on our birthday, you can somehow shift into my wolf form?" I confirm his question with a short nod. "Although you still keep your eyes and you aren't as big, "he states smirking at me, "You're still the same size as your normal wolf form. Tiny." I quickly throw one of Sher's pillows at him giving him no time to dodge, so it smacks him straight in the face. Making Sher and I laugh at him as he gives me a death glare.

"Well I better not shift in front of you! Thanks for the warning, I would prefer not to have my wolf form taken by a tiny wolf," Sher chuckles at me, taking Kyle's side. Now it's my time to smirk at her.

"Too bad, I basically saw the whole pack shift today, including you."

"Dang it!" Sher throws her hands up in the air dramatically, "Why must the world hate me!"

"Anywayyyys..." Kyle clears his voice, "May I ask where you have been for the past few days?" He gives me a pointed look that tells me that I should probably not lie to him.

"Well, thats a long story..." I try to say to get out of it, but Kyle motions with his hands for me to continue. "Well I basicallywentandrescuedCrystalfromsomerogues and indoingsoIfoundmymate." I rush out.

"Slower, I didn't get any of that..." He looks at me as though I am speaking another language, which I probably was. Avery Language.

"Well I basically went and saved Crystal, cause she went missing and everything. But she was being held by some rogues cause she is the rejected Luna and in the process of saving her I managed to save the other guy that was being kept there." I look up to see their shocked faces.

"So basically I told you to be careful and then you run off into some rogues camp?! That's your idea of careful?!" Kyle starts to freak out and paces Sher's room, whilst Sher just watches his outburst silently.

"Ummm... I didn't finish,"

"What?! let me guess, I bet it's that you killed someone isn't?! Actually no it's probably that they are still chasing you?! Wait no! It's probably that the guy you rescued was your mate?! Are you trying to kill me here." Man, he is a pretty good guesser.

"Oh Goodness! I'm so glad you understand and that I didn't have to tell you." Suddenly, his head snaps towards me so fast I don't have time to react.

"WHAT?! Which one is it?!" He grabs me by the shoulder and starts to shake me rapidly.

"uhhhh, well the last one?"

"THAT YOUR TRYING TO KILL ME?!" He screeches at me. By now Sher was trying to hold her laughter in at Kyle overreacting.

"No, no the one before it," I try to explain to him without actually telling him.


"Well... The guy I rescued was actually my mate..." I say quietly fiddling with my hands, expecting / knowing Kyle will freak out.


And guess what happens...

He faints... Well that's one thing in common with my mate.

Hey guys :)

Now I have some bad news :(

I'm going to be away for 3 days camping with no service or internet so I can't upload and then I'll be working for 2 weeks I'll try to upload then but I'm gonna be exhausted.

BUT ILL TRY! For you guys

Anyways thanks for reading

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