Chapter 2: Identity

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A picture of Avery in the human form above

Chapter 2: Identity


Mum's eyes grow wide, "Did you just say C-Celestial?!" She stumbles.

"Yea?" I'm so confused now.

Mum starts to regain her composure, "In the stories, Celestial was the leader that helped lead the remaining white wolves to safety from humanity. However she was the only one who survived and was asked to become the wolf spirit for the next-in-line Moon Goddess," she explains. She glances at me to see if I'm still paying attention, "Do you know what that means?"

"That I... umm...Oh! That my mate is Skull, the same as hers."

"Well yes, but more importantly, that you've got one of the strongest whites wolves as your spirit guide, if you master all her powers you would be the strongest wolf alive, similar to the Moon Goddess. But I don't know why she would be here now..."

"Moon Goddess? Powers?!"

"Maybe you should talk to her," She suggests as I quickly nod thinking that would be the best idea.

I focus my thoughts once again and try to communicate to Celestial. 'Hey Celest, I heard your really special, that you have certain powers or gifts. Would you mind telling me what they are?'

'You know I can see and hear everything that you can, right?' A voice echoes through my thoughts. Now I feel really dumb... Thanks, Celestial...

'Your welcome.'


'I can't tell you about the powers until the time comes, or it could influence what the powers could be.'

'So it's a random process?'

'Exactly.' I wonder what powers I could possibly get... Probably some crappy useless ones like 'Ability to trip over everything'... Yea... I do not want that one.

'So what about this Moon Goddess business?'

'That was true... Destiny, the Moon Goddess now, was my 'vessel.' She sent me down here so I could fulfill a promise, or what is more like a legend.' With that, I thank her and start to come out of the daze-like state we get when werewolves talk to their wolves.

"So did you get through to her?" Mum questions as she notices me start to look around the room again.

"Firstly, She won't tell me what the powers are until I start to develop them. Secondly, she was indeed Destiny's, who is the Moon Goddess at the moment, spirit guide. She said she is here so she can fulfill some legend." As I explain this to Mum, something clicks instead her head as realization appears on her face.

"The Legend of the White Wolf," she murmurs quickly, however, I manage to catch it with my enhanced hearing. She glances towards the clock up against the wall. "CRAP! You guys better get ready the rest of the pack will be heading off to school soon, I'm going to go get some rest."

Great school, the most exciting place to be right now. The school I attend is a werewolf school, that teaches us about both the normal human subjects as well as the werewolves history. "One thing mum, can I tell Sherri?" Sherri was my best friend, she is a werewolf just like me, except that she was born with her werewolf.

Before mum heads upstairs to her room, she turns around and answers. With that, I also run quickly to my room to get dressed. I quickly pull out my ripped bleached jeans, a Dan and Phil (youtubers) shirt and my favorite worn converses. I race back down to the kitchen, to find Kyle back to normal and eating, well, more like stuffing his face with a bowl of fruit loops. I spot the fruit loop box on the kitchen bench and make a beeline towards it, who couldn't love fruit loops (definitely not me). My daydream is soon crushed when I realize there is no morsel left of the sugary goodness that was once contained inside the box.

I spare a glare over at Kyle who is just finishing the last mouthful of the sugary cereal. No-one messes with this girl and her food and gets away with it. Before I could launch an attack, Mum calls out that the other kids of the pack are heading off towards school. I grab my stuff and race out the door with Kyle at my heel and we make it in time before the bus closes the doors. Kyle heads off and sits with his friends, whilst I see Sherri waving at me frantically with so much excitement she could burst. Sherri was the confident and crazy girl who you could relate to easily, whilst I was the quiet girl who kept to herself but had a hidden side to her. I walk over to her and beside her, not before going deaf in one ear in doing so.

"Happy Birthday Aveeeeee!!!" She squeals making everyone on the bus flinch at the high-pitched noise. Thank goodness there were only about 15 people on the bus, and they all know Sherri and her screams and squeals. "Thanks, Sher," I smile at her.

"Woahhhhh, did you get contacts or something?" She peers inquisitively at my eyes.

"Yea something like that," I say hoping that she gets the hint that we can talk about this later on, which she does.

"So what did you get for your birthday?" I'm about to answer when my stomach decided to imitate a whale mating call. It also had to happen when everyone in the bus chooses to have a minute of silence just randomly, you know what I mean... it was awkward. Sherri starts cracking up laughing which doesn't help as my cheeks flush a crimson red as almost every head turns and gazes at us curiously.

"Didn't you have breakfast or anything?" Sherri tries to talk while she still is laughing her ass off. By this time everyone one has gone back to their own business, nosy little werewolves. "Didn't get too, cause someone ate all the precious fruit loops," I reply with dismay.

"Awwww, poor snookums... I'll buy you some food once we get to school. As long as you tell me about those..." She looks around quickly, then whispers "contacts of yours..."


School went by really quickly, a few surprises happened along the way though. I agreed to tell Sherri about my eyes on the weekend, even though she has been hassling me about all week to tell her already. I've gotten a few guys come up to me and ask if I was new to the school, which Sherri replied rudely too and told them to piss off. And some people who actually recognized me asked the same question as Sherri, 'if I had contacts,' which I replied yes to. These eyes are causing so much drama, that I do not want.

For my birthday present mum says that since I got my drivers license and can drive by myself, she would buy me a car. And since both Kyle and I got our driver's license, we got to go pick a car to share. Due to the pack's budget we could pick anyone we want, and we got to go last Friday. Kyle wanted a Ferrari but once I told him that was stupid and cliched and that we should get a Nissan GT-R, he agreed that we could get that model if he got to pick the color. So, in the end, we agreed on a dark blue Nissan GT-R.

Since today is Saturday, Sherri has been nagging me to tell her about my 'secret', so we decided to go out to Starbucks and catch up on things. So here goes hoping she won't freak out...


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