Chapter 4: Stalker or just Pure coincidence

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Blake's picture is above, if some of the comments about the picture dont make sense thats because I've changed his picture like 5 times. I couldn't find the right image I was picturing.

Chapter 4: Stalker or just Pure Coincidence

"Hello class, I would like to introduce a new student today but I see that he must be running a bit late," our hometown teacher, Miss Hurdly comments once the class sits and quietens down. She starts going down the role and calling out names.


"Here." A mark on the piece of paper.


"Yep." Another mark.


"Present." another mark and a look around the classroom.

After a few more names were called out, a sudden burst of the door opening quickly perks all the students up, most likely scaring all the sleeping people out of their skins. Yes, we have many of them in mine and Sher's homeroom. Anyway, a familiar face to both Sher and I appears at the now open door.

There awkwardly stands Blake, the dude from the coffee shop that Sher couldn't stop texting all night. He quickly scans the room looking for any friendly faces, but once he spots Sherri he grins like the Cheshire Cat. I frown at him, there is a weird aura or vibe coming off him, not sure if I can trust him yet.

"This must be the new student... Urrr... Please introduce yourself," the teacher says trying to cover up that she forgot his name already. He shrugs slightly and steps up near the teacher's desk that was to the side.

"Hey, my name is Blake Shirman and I just moved here," he explains as a few guys throw him a few friendly grins and shouts and some girls giggle to each other sharing occasional looks at him.

"Ok Blake you can go sit next to Avery, please stand up Avery," Miss Hardly asks as she eyes the spare desk next to me.

I gradually stand up and sits back down as he sees where his spot is. I was happy with my seating arrangements since I was at the back next to no-one, until now sadly. He sits down next to me and greets me. I politely reply back saying nothing else but.

You may tell but I'm not much of a social person except when I'm around my family and friends. It's not that I'm shy its that I don't think it's worth a 10-30 second discussion to someone that you will never talk to again. I don't think Blake got it through his head that I didn't want want to talk.

He keeps trying to strike up a conversation with me but I either reply with a shrug or a grunt. He finally gets it and grabs his phone out. His fingers fly over the keyboard on the touchscreen. Soon after a ding is heard within the classroom. I glance over to where it came from only to find Sherri blushing madly.

"Miss Cashill (cash-ill), you know phones are supposed to be turned off during class time."

"I'm so sorry Miss I forgot to turn it off before I came in, it won't happen again." She quickly freaks out. Sher is, how you say it, the 'Teacher's Pet'. She hates getting into trouble.

"Oh alright then... but if it happens again, your phone will be confiscated," Miss warns Sherri.

Sherri throws a glare over her shoulder at me, most likely thinking it was me who texted her. I quickly shake my head and nod towards Blake sitting next to me holding a laughter in. Sherri realizes this and blushes and quickly jerks her head back to the front of the room so fast that you wouldn't be surprised if she had whiplash.

Blake ended up in basically nearly all of Sher's classes and the few ones we share together. I'm still trying to decide if it is him being a stalker or if it's just pure coincidence.

Sher invited him to lunch with us so at the moment we are walking together chatting towards the lunchroom. What I really mean is they are chatting/flirting with each other whilst I completely ignore them. As we are walking towards the cafeteria I am hoping that I won't see a few certain people from the pack. Wait... I just realized if Blake is here at the school, he would either be a werewolf or have a bond with a werewolf. Because this is basically a werewolf school, I was only allowed in due to my family being werewolves cause the school was sure if I was one since I couldn't shift.

I quickly sniff the air smelling Sher's coconut and Pine smell. When I smelt Blake it had a hint of pine with a guys deodorant stench. Yes, I think the smell of boy's body spray is revolting. Blake must have seen my actions because he quickly replies, "Yes I am a werewolf And I know you two are but Avery you smell a bit different."

"Ohhh, well you'll probably find out soon why that is," I talk to him for the first time besides saying hey or hi. He looks at me confused then looks at Sher who just shrugs at him not wanting to explain, knowing what I mean. Even though I did find my wolf, Celestial hid her scent from everyone so they wouldn't suddenly want to see me in my wolf form. However, you could still smell a hint of werewolf on me.

Hey, guys I know it's short but I think that it's time that I should update. so please don't kill me yet :)
Hope you guys are liking it so far. Please comment on whether her mate should be an alpha, beta, rogue or just normal person from the pack.  I can't decide XD.

Thx for reading.


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