Chapter 18: I'm not that Weak

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Chapter 18: I'm not that Weak

I take off down the passageway hoping that it'll lead me to the outside. Once again I hear a loud roar and a loud voice saying: "WHO LEFT THE HATCH. OPEN?!"

I giggle slightly at this. The rogues didn't seem to be the smartest of wolves. Not only the rogues but Mr. Scar seems like he is missing a few brain cells. Or should I say most of his brain cells...
Avery's POV

I race though the passage hearing the distant patters of paws. All I have to do is make my way outside then Celest can mask my scent for a few minutes. I check to make sure that Crystal and my mate are alright and are still on my back. I find that crystal is holding tight onto me as well as my mate to make sure he doesn't slip off.

Wondering where this passage goes, I speed up and hope that it leads outside. After a minute of sprinting in my wolf form I can no longer hear the rogues behind me. I slow my pace down to make it easier for Crytal to hold onto me and my mate. I really should've asked his name before he fainted. It's gonna make this strange and unhelpful commentary that I'm doing in my head harder.

I eventually come to a stop and focus on my hearing, just to make sure they aren't following us. I faintly make out their retreating footsteps going back towards the cells.

"They took me down this passage when they took me from the pack," Crystal explains as she recognises the wolf-sized passage way. "They use it because we can't escape without a wolf as the silver has made us weak and we can't shift. Luckily, your a smaller wolf so even we can get through on your back. However it should open up a little further ahead so you can save your energy and change back."

I send her a quick nod and walk further down the passage. Just like Crystal had said, the passage grew larger so that it could fit our human forms. Thankfully whilst I was looking for a way out, Crystal had grabbed some of the cell clothes that they had in the holding cell. I shift back to my human form once Crystal manages to safely remove my mate from my back and graciously take the clothes from Crystal.

"Can I ask you something Avery?" Crystal askes hesitantly.


"Huh?" She looks at me confused as though I just spoke another language.

"It means shoot me your question." I chuckle slightly at my weird language as I try to explain to her what I meant.

"How do you know for sure that I'm your guider. I know I'm half witch and stuff but that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm the designed one to help you." She looks at me with hidden tears in her eyes.

"It wasn't me who knew. It was my wolf Celestial and I trust her judgement. If anyone would know who it is, it would be Her."

"But I'm not even suppose to be alive... I have no reason to be... Witches and Wolves are not meant to co-exist in one being," She trails off.

"Everyone has a reason to live, even if it might not be as big as saving the world." I give her a cheeky grin. "and if you would like proof, check out the bond that we created back there. That just doesn't happen between two non-related wolves, it was the goddess' doing."

Crystal's previously harboured tears are now released and are freely running down her face. She runs over to me and embraces me in a hug that could possibly break my bones if it wasn't for Celest's strength. Gosh this girl is strong.

"Thanks Avery... You gave me a reason to live just when I was about to give up," she whispers the last part and I barely catch it even though she was so close.

"Anyway let's get out of here," she suggests whilst she frantically wipes away her tears. Suddenly we hear a soft groan. We turn around to find my mate slowly waking up.

"What happened?" He asks whilst rubbing his eyes. He then starts to look around, confused with his surroundings. He then notices us staring at him.

His eyes widen to the size of a UFO. "Y-your a whit-White wo-" he then fall unconscious AGAIN!

"Greaaaaat. What are we suppose to do with him," Crystal whines as she motions towards him. I think for a moment, we needed to get out of here fast just in case the rogues came back. However, they are probably most likely to be waiting at the end of the tunnel for us to pop out.

"Help me put him on my back. It'll be the fastest way of getting out here." I suggest to Crystal.

"You sure you and Your wolf can handle it after you ran with us on your back?" she looks at me apologetic.

"I'll just use my own strength instead of Celest's so she can save her energy for later just in case we run into them again." I explain to her, but she goes to interrupt me.

"You sur-"

"Hey! I'm not that weak," I say jokingly.

"Alright," she chuckles before helping me place him on by back as I give him a piggyback towards the end of the tunnel.

As we get closer, I start to feel a large amount of rogue presences in one concentrated area. Celestial tells me to be cautious, especially since we have our mate on our back.

"We're almost at the end..."


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