Chapter 40: I Heard That

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Chapter 40: I Heard That


"Warrior Neal and his mate Amber. And they will be going up against..." Another slip of white paper is taken. Please don't be me. Please don't be me...I would prefer it if I didn't have to go up against the two strongest pairs in the first rounds. Neil and Michael. It'll just give me more time to come up with a plan then going head on with them straight away. "Omega Ryder and his mate Katie." Claps emerge from the crowd as the two pairs step forwards. Ryder will be having a hard time against Neal. Unless Ryder can somehow outwitt him, Neal will be able to crush him easily.

"Next we will announce the next match. First pair we have is... Beta Michael and his mate Winfrey. And they will be versing..." Please don't be me, please don't be me... I watch in slow motion as Crystal takes out a slip of paper and takes a breath before announcing the names...

"Omega Ashen and his mate Avery."


Of course we would be facing the old Beta in the starting round... Otherwise it would be too easy... Fate must hate me. Ashen rises from his seat, reminding me to step up and join the other pairs on stage. The remaining two pairs are automatically matched together and both join us up on the stage. Applause emerges and echoes around the hall, making it seem as though there are more people.

"In 10 minutes, we request that all 6 pairs meet in the training field and we will begin the fight after you arrive. If one pair doesn't show up after 5 minutes they will be disqualified and the other pair will automatically win. From there we will announce the next match's time." Kyle explains. He's starting to sound like a real leader. Once Kyle finished speaking, Crystal steps forwards and explains the rules.

"I will quickly confirm the rules of the fight and then you are all allowed to go. Firstly, no weapons are allowed; should be easy to understand. Secondly, the fights are to be serious and fair. No blackmailing, playing around with the opponent, or leaving the boundaries of the match. If anyone breaks these first two rules,  their team is disqualified. Finally, to win, you need to either knock the opponent out, or the opponents surrender or are disqualified. If the match is considered dangerous or harmful to continue, the match will be stopped immediately, and will be either postponed, or a winner will be announced on the spot. With that, you are dismissed and are allowed to do whatever you wish until the designated time."

As soon as Crystal finishes a low chatter fills the hall and several people disperse and leave. Both Ash and I decide it would be best to leave and come up with an appropriate plan to win against Michael. Michael... WAIT WE ARE GOING UP AGAINST MICHAEL?!

"Only just realised?" Ash asks, as he probably notices my shocked expression.

"We're doomed."

Ash starts leading me towards the exit, however before we could leave, I notice several pairs of eyes watching us as we make our way to the exit. The chatter grows louder as more people and I couldn't help but overhear some conversations.

"Who even are those two, Ive never seen them before."

"I heard she slept with the new Alpha to gain a spot."

"But didn't the Alpha announce her as his sister when calling out the names."

"Shushhhh, she's looking over here."

"Did she hear us?"

These comments were the least of my worries, cause first off they're very far-fetched romours and are disgusting and no where near true. The ones that caught my attention, were the ones about Ashen.

"The Alpha's allowing a rogue into the pack. I don't care if he's someone's mate. He's dangerous."

"I wouldn't trust him as our Beta, no matter how much the Alpha trusts him, I will never accept him as one."

"Kids, stay away from that man, okay? You must not go near him or talk to him. He's a bad man."

All these comments swarm around the hall as they seem to get louder. I feel Ashen's grip on me tighten  slightly as he quickens his pace to the door. I feel anger bubbling up from inside of me, as well as from Celestial.

'KILL THEM ALL! HOW DARE THEY SPEAK ABOUT HIM THAT WAY!' Celestial roars inside of my head. I sense part of her conscience force its way through mine, however, I try to keep it from exploding. It's as though, my presence is being pushed out of my head. A loud growl fills the hall, and everything becomes deadly quiet. Every eye is drawn to me, looking as though they are a deer caught in headlights.

"HOW DARE YOU SAY THINGS WHICH YOU HAVE NO UNDERSTANDING ABOUT. BEFORE YOU JUDGE, MAYBE YOU SHOULD CONSIDER THE SITUATION FIRST!" My mouth screams out with no control. They really did piss Celestial off, to the point where I can't control my body at all, which means that she has full control. Ashen holds my arm tightly, to prevent me, or Celestial, from attacking.

"Celestial, you have to calm down." He's pleas, although he looks calm, through the mate bond I can sense his sadness and loneliness. He must be able to tell Celestials in control via my glowing eyes. When the wolf side is in control of your human form, your eyes emit a glow, the same colour as your wolf's eyes, indicating that they are in full control. "It's alright. I don't care what they think about me, they're not the ones that are important to me. Just let Avery back in control, please."

"Fine..." She mutters quietly. There was something in Ashen's voice that made Celestial back down. Normally she would argue back, no matter if he was our mate or not. I feel Celestial's presence retreating back into my conscience and  my own being brought forwards. I blink my eyes a couple of times to check I have control of my body. I feel in control, however, I still feel remnants of Celestials anger and love.

I let a small snarl as a warning to everyone, before Ashen snaps at me again. "Stop that Avery." He says before continuing to lead me outside. Once we are outside the door, I quickly poke my head back inside and let out one more low growl.

"I heard that."


Hey guys ^_^

Hope you liked the chapter. I tried getting the update earlier than normal whilst I have the time to relax and write.

Anyways enjoy the wait for the next one :P


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