Chapter 23 : Being a Chameleon

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"She never had a wolf, she's a waste of time. Let's move on," hope soars in my chest as they go to move on. But of course, the world is hating me right now.

"Actually Alpha she found her wolf a few days ago," Holly speaks up from beside me. Never in my life have I wanted to punch someone in the face more than right now.

"Oh, really alright then," they come back once again to stand in front of me. "Shift!" He commands using Alpha tone making it impossible to refuse. But somehow it has no effect on me.

"Didn't you hear me... Shift!"
Avery's POV

Freaking out, I quickly freeze time. Checking that it worked, I start to pace around to get rid of my anxiety. 'Celestial, what am I supposed to do. Do I shift? Or do I run? Or do I refuse and be sent away as a slave? I DON'T KNOW?!' I start to feel the last panic attack start to come back, but before it can happen I feel a calming presence stir inside my head.

'Just take some deep breaths and just listen to me. Close your eyes and focus on my voice,' Celestial instructs. I close my eyes, take some deep breaths and focus all my hearing on her. 'Everything will be just fine, you have me. I would never allow anything to get too out of hand. Just trust me. You'll be able to shift and everything will be fine. You can do this.' I focus on her placid and soothing voice. Soon my anxiety is gone and I open my eyes once more. I'll trust her and shift, they cannot do much to me if they actually do find out I am the White Wolf, and I probably have more authority over them anyway.

I walk back into place beside Sher and the rotten orange-face Holly. I unfreeze time, and find Alpha James' furious face. "For the last time, SHIFT!"

"Okay..." I softly say, as Alpha James retracts back to standing beside Alpha Scott. I close my eyes and concentrate on shifting, only for me to hear another voice.

'Avery, No!' Kyle yells through our mind link. 'You can't shift!'

'Well what else am I meant to do?! Refuse and get taken away...' I quickly tune him out and focus back on trying to shift. This time I don't have Celestial's help, I will have to try on my own. I picture my human form morphing into one of a wolf's. My nose elongating into a snout covered by fur, and my spine behind over to create the back of the wolf. I imagine fur sprouting from all over my body, just like I say when Kyle shifted. I remember him shifting in front of me when he thought I was a rogue. Since I cannot see myself when I shift, I imagine me shifting the same as when Kyle shifted. I force my eyes back open to see Alpha James' face... His face clearly showed irritation and frustration. I look over at Sher to see her shocked face whilst she was still in her wolf form, I'll admit it looked kinda funny. I looked down at my paws, only for me to see no white at all. They were brown... Both the Alpha's move onto watching Holly shift. What just happened...

'Avery... Y-you look just l-like me...' Kyle stutters, 'How-w did you d-do that?'

'I... uh pictured you shifting... One sec let me talk to my wolf,' Confused as hell, I decide that Celest would probably know.

'Hey Celest, do you know what just happened, like.... Why the hell I look like KYLE?!' I hear her chuckle slightly.

'I think you just found you're second ability.' My second ability is changing colour... So basically I am now a chameleon... Hell yeah! 'No, you're not a chameleon. You have the ability to turn into any wolf you imagine. And since you pictured shifting just like Kyle did, you turned into his wolf.' Awwwww, dammit! I really wanted to be a chameleon, now that would be cool. I hear Celest laughing at my weird thoughts, man it sucks that she can read them. 'Hey! It's awesome you know. It's like I can have my own abilities. Anyway I should warn you that you can't use any other powers whilst you are in your changed wolf form and to turn into another wolf you must first see them shift.'

'Ummm... One more thing, how come Alpha James' commands didn't work on me? Shouldn't the alpha tone be able to command anyone who is not an alpha?' Thinking back to when he commanded me to shift.

'Well Yes it would normally work, however you are now the white wolf, which is basically almost on par with the Moon Goddess' rank,' she explains as if it was no big deal. WHAT?!

I feel someone nudge me, so I get close the link between me and Celest. For now... I need to find out about this rank business. I look up to see Sher still in her wolf form and everyone else in their wolf form, looking towards the front again. I notice the alpha standing back on the platform to announce once again.

"Sadly, we didn't find anything. However! If anyone hears or knows about where the White Wolf is located, you must inform me immediately. Or there will be punishments. Thank you, you are all dismissed now."

All the wolves start to head off, and I intend to do the same. However, Sher grabs my ear in her jaws, not too tightly thankfully, and starts to drag me off towards her room inside the pack house. Kyle notices this and decides to follow as well, probably to get some answers for himself.


I AM ON A ROLE! This is the most I have like updated since I have even started the book.  I am even bludging subjects in school just to write this chapter. 

Thanks for staying with this book

Love you guys 


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