Chapter 33: Hidden Eyes

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Chapter 33: Hidden Eyes

"I wasn't too sure I blanked out quickly after I saw who rescued me," Crystal explains. Man, she was good at lying, it was almost believable to me and I was actually there.

"Do you at least remember what he looked like? I wish i could give him a reward for saving you two and basically saving the whole pack." This time it was Gandalf.

Crystal pauses once more before saying, "He's fur was white..." The looks on their faces were amazing.

Everyone freezes mid stride and turns towards Crystal, shocked at the new information that was presented to them. Many of the members start talking at the same time, stating questions such as:

"The White Wolf is alive?!"

"Does that mean the war will soon be upon us?!"

"Didn't one die last year? How could the spirit move on so quickly to another full grown wolf?"

"Where is he now?!" Which, if you ask me was a pretty stupid question. Going by how Crystal said she was unconscious in her story, as if she would know where the fake white wolf is. However, the one question that got me nervous was Johnston's.

"We need to send out the search party now! We need to protect him!" At the end of every year the Council sends out a group of handpicked trackers to search out the White Wolf. However the side effect is that with the trackers going around to packs, soon everyone will know the white wolf is around and will try to find it themselves. It feels so unnatural calling myself an it... Anyways, even though I now have my disguising trick, I'm not sure if I can keep using it every time to shift. I don't have complete control over it. Eventually I'll run out of magic power before I can even find my third power. I wonder how far off that will be...

"Calm down everyone!" Gandalf commands over everyone's excited and panicked questions. "Until we hear about any more sightings of this white wolf, we can't be certain about anything. As she said before she only saw him for a short while before she fainted. It could have just been light grey fur and due to the darkness of the cells, it may have looked white. We never know. So until we hear about him any further we can't take any action."

My guess is that they haven't heard from Alpha Scott about his sighting near the pack boundaries. But then again, he probably wouldn't report it to the Council anyway, so that he can find the White Wolf first. I unconsciously tune out of the rest of the conversation (which happens quite often too be honest) and my mind starts to wander. I can't help realising we are a few minutes from where the rest of the pack is waiting.

I suddenly sense someone's gaze on the back of my head, it felt as though someone was breathing down my neck. Shivers ran up my spine as I glance around to try to find the set of eyes. However, everyone was watching and listening to Gandalf. Who could it be? Could it be a rogue just passing by and noticing out large group? All that I know is that it does not feel friendly and I can't sense any other presences. I rake my eyes over the dense trees and shrubs as my body start to become upright and on edge.

I feel another set of eyes rest on me, however this time it doesn't feel as threatening. I turn to the side to find Ashen casting me a worried look, as he probably senses my unease through the mate bond.  His body instinctively shifts closer to mine to protect me, making my heart soar with happiness. The threatening feeling slowly dissolves away until I can't sense the eyes on me anymore. I can only guess that the person watching decided to leave for the meantime.

Ashen's head bends down slightly before I hear him whisper: "Did you sense them too?" I give give a slight nod, before he straightens up. If Ashen managed to sense the set of eyes watching us then surely some of the Council members should have too. I gaze towards the group, only to find everyone chattering about as always. The only people that seem affected were Gandalf and Seera, who were discussing something quietly amongst themselves. We make brief eye contact before their eyes dance away to the other members of the group.

"We should head back to the rest of your pack. Wouldn't want them to worry about their new leader," Gandalf states hurriedly. However, no one manages to catch his rushed tone of voice and start to slowly trudge forwards towards the pack house.

"Stick close to me, just in case they are still around," Ashen mutters quietly to me, as we begin to walk with the front of the group. I notice Crystal looking over at us and suddenly a large cheeky grin spreads across her face. She skips over to us happily, not realising the tense mood between us.

"Whatcha love birds whispering about now?" Crystal questions loudly. "Finally hitting it off?" Ashen's previous personality crumbles as a light blush appears on his face and he retreats back into his shy shell.

"I-It's not what your thinking," He stammers quietly as Crystal  chuckles lightly at him.

"Stop teasing him, Crystal." I joke along with her and glance over towards Ashen, when I suddenly remember what we actually were whispering about.    Should I tell Crystal about the hidden eyes and make her worry and become cautious or wait till we are a bit closer. Both Ashen and I return back to our serious states and somehow Crystal catches on the something's happen and she stays quiet for the most part. I start to see the top of the pack house peeking through the trees and the presences of the rest of the pack start to become known.

I decide now would be the best time to tell her: "Both Ashen and I sensed someone back there watching us and they didn't feel too friendly. I'm guessing Maddox and Seera did as well that's why they rushed us off so fast." Crystal glances at us both worriedly and curiously. This had all of us on edge.

Hey guysssssssss!!!!!

Sorry I didn't update earlier, it took me a while to write this chapter as I'm trying to include some more sweet and romantic bits every now and then but I suck at writing those types of things so bear with me.

Hope you like the new chapter and hopefully I can write again soon. I'm like doing this at 12 o'clock at night so if there are any spelling errors don't blame me.

Hopefully talk to you guys again soon.


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