Chapter 26: Panic Attack

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(Picture of her mate above) - just picture him with deep blue eyes :)


Chapter 26: Panic Attack

I wonder why Celest hasn't woken up yet... I thought she would've by now being so close to Skull and everything...

"So what's his name?" She asks me as though he isn't even there.

"Uhhh, I don't know actually..." I embarrassingly say, not knowing myself why I haven't tried to get to know him yet.

"What?! You don't even know his name yet?! Guurl, you move slow... Hey! Buddy? What's your name?" Sher exclaims with her hyperactive personality. Even though I was expecting him to react from her outburst, he stays calm as though he didn't hear her. He cocks his head at me confusingly before he speaks softly...

"Your wolf... It's gone..."
Avery's POV

I was overcome with shock and surprise with what he said. What does he mean she is gone? Like gone forever? Is that why she wasn't answering before? Where did she go? All these questions continuously ran through my head as I went in and out of a trance like state. Did she die?! No! Celest can't be gone! My chest tightens and it suddenly becomes very hard to breathe. All the noise becomes distant and muffled as if at the end of a long tunnel, loud ragged breaths were the only sound that filled my ears along with the heavy beating of by heart. All the colours and shadows blur together, but I could just vaguely see Sher's and Crystal's silhouettes rushing around me.

I feel my legs collapse, however before I could fall to the ground, I felt arms wrap around my waist supporting me. With the sudden touch, tingles and shocks shoot over my skin in the area where they are touching. The person softly place me on the ground and kneels next me. Although I couldn't quite see them, I could sense their presence next to me, supporting me. I feel their arms engulf me into an embrace and it was as though I felt safe and comfortable in them.

A distant voice starts to become clearer and clearer bringing me back to reality. "It's alright. Everything's going to be okay. Just listen to my voice and close your eyes." His warmth radiates off of his body and welcomes my shivering one. I focus on him as he whispers soothing words to me, calming me down. Slowly, I begin to gain control over my breathing and shivering and I soon relax into his arms. His scent of pine, and sugar cinnamon considerably helped to calm me down.

"Thank you..." I softly whisper back to him. Although, this seems like a very cliched moment, I couldn't care less. I am just glad that he brought me back from that scary situation.

"No problem," he replies quietly in return, still holding me in his arms.

"I thought you guys didn't know each other well enough and yet here you are hugging." A sudden voice blurts out from somewhere. I hurriedly force my eyes open, to find both Sher and Crystal standing a few metres away from us. They look mesmerized and excited as if fan-girling. I look down at our position and both my mate and I were knelt on the ground, with his arms still around me causing me to blush. Also realizing our position, he quickly jumps up and nervously stands at a distance. That was our first contact with him being conscious for once.

"Oh- ah sorry... it was just... I uh- I unconsciously did it..." I stumbles over his words whilst furiously blushing, which was kind of cute might I add.

"Goodness! You're already making the moves without knowing each other's names," Sher exclaims dramatically, even throwing her arms in the air. Due to her proclamations, my mate's face turns even more red, if possible.

"Ashen... My names Ashen," He quietly mumbles embarrassed, however we all pick it up with our enhanced hearing.

"Avery," I cheerful introduce myself to him, hoping he won't be as nervous with me anymore.

"Annnyways..." Crystal stretches the word out before continuing. "Ashen, what did you mean her wolf is gone?" Suddenly remembering what happened to make me go into that stage of panic. He casts me a side glance to check it wasn't repeating before answering.

"Well, it's as though her wolf's not there. However, Skull can still feel her presence so she isn't dead," with that I let out sigh of relief before listening back in. "But it's as though she is just absent. So she will most likely come back, however, I not sure how long it will take though." His deep blue eyes radiated honesty so I decide to trust him. Now that we are face to face, I start to soak in his appearance.

He was wearing the same clothes from when we escaped from the rogues, so I remind myself to steal some of Kyle's clothes later for him. His dark brown hair sat in a ruffled mess on his head. It looked as though he had tried to comb through it with his fingers to fix it up. I notice a dark freckle lining the top left of his lip and to make him even cuter, he had dirt smears all over his face.

I go to respond, however a loud obnoxious voice echoes through my head. "Avery! You need to get home now. Something's going on. The council of wolves are here!" Kyle's voice demands in my head. Sher looks over to me indicating she got one similar from her parents.

And somehow, this feels like déjà vu...

Hey guys :)

Sorry for not updating quickly. I seriously had writers block for the whole entirety of me writing this chapter. D:

But anyways, hope you liked it.


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