Chapter 7: Cry Fest

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Chapter 7: Cry Fest

I storm back into the school, not caring if any teachers saw me, due to the rule of not leaving school during the day. Right now I should be having Mathematics with Blake and Sher, so I knew exactly where to find him.

Once Sher had gone home, I decided I would come back to school and give Blake a piece of my mind. I know it's not his fault but he should still know what's happening between the two of them. I also know that Sher won't tell him and will just deal with it by herself.

I see the room that I'm wanting to go. I slam open the door drawing everyone's eyes away from what they were doing before my interruption. The class looks a bit surprised to see me, most likely cause I have a deathly glare on my face, instead of my usual unemotional face.

I lock eyes with Blake, give him a glare and start to walk over to him. Before the teacher can say anything I grab Blake by the collar and start dragging him out of the room, with him trying to protest against it, having no luck of getting out of my grip.

I slam the door back closed once we are outside of the many curious looks. I start dragging him towards the girl's bathrooms.

"Stop, no way am I going in there," he whines whilst he starts to fight back again.

"It's the only place where we can talk privately, now suck it up sissy," I warn him in a deep voice.

"Fine then... wait why do we need to talk," he asks casually.

"You'll find out soon..." is all I say to him. I open the door to the horrid pink bathroom. Yes, the school thought it was cool to do the stereotypical colors for the genders in the bathrooms.

I let go of Blake and he turns around with a sheepish smile.

"What did I do?"

"You broke Sher's heart," I simply put it. As soon as he hears those words, his facial expression converts from a bored to one of fear and sadness.

"WHAT?! How did I do that! I swear whatever I did I didn't mean it!" He raises his voice, clearly freaking out.

"Do you realize that you two are mates," I question him, imitating Sher's cranky pose, leg out and crossed arms whilst tapping a foot impatiently.

"Yes I did," he says quietly almost too soft to hear, and that's coming from a werewolf.

"Then why didn't you say anything?! She thinks you don't feel the bond!" I yell at him. Right now, I don't really care if anyone hears from outside.

"I didn't tell her cause when you first came into the shop, I immediately felt the bond, whilst it looked like she didn't feel anything at all," he explains, sadness coating his voice and clearly displayed on his face.

"For guys, it might be different, but for girls, you need to have looked each in the eyes or met properly," I continue, "but right now I think she needs some comforting."

"What happened to her," he asks peaking up at hearing that she's sad.

"When we were younger, several couples from our pack rejected each other due to the fact that one of them couldn't feel the bond, those who did feel the bond ran away. One of those wolves was Sher's Aunt. When she couldn't get any reaction from you she thought she would end up the same, broken and lost... Crap..." I had just realized if I left her alone at her house she might try and run away without facing her problems like the others had done. "we've got to go NOW!"

I pull him out of the bathrooms and push him towards my car, by now he had also realized what this meant.

"Where is she right now," he asks in a low voice, warily.

"Suppose to be at the pack house, but right now who knows where she could be..." I step on the pedal once I had quickly buckled up and speed towards the pack house. Once we get there, Blake bolts out of the car and rushes into the house. Fear starts filling my heart at the thought of not seeing her again. I immediately follow Blake into her house and start searching the house for her. After a few minutes, I hear a slight rustling in the kitchen of pots and pans. I race towards it hoping I see her face again.

There stands Sher with red puffy eyes with tears streaming down her face looking broken holding up a pan about to hit me.

"Oh my gosh, it's you, Avery... I-I thou-thought you were a burglar or a pedophile... don't scare me like that." With that more tears start to stream down her face. She quickly embraces me and drops the pan to the floor. I soon hear heavy footsteps stop behind me, as with the way Sher stiffened in my arms I could tell it was Blake.

"Wh-why is h-he he-re," she starts hiccuping with the amount of tears streaming down her face. I turn to look at Blake, he nearly looked as broken as Sher did. Soon the tears decide to break free as if a dam's wall had broken to allow a waterfall to flood the valley.

"I'm... I'm so sorrryyyy," he cries as he rushes to give Sher a hug which she takes gratefully. "It was all just a misunderstanding, I thought you were the one who didn't feel it," he continues.

After a few minutes of sorting things out. Sher starts to become drowsy, "Can we talk later, right now I'm a bit sleepy from all the yelling and crying," she chuckles slightly giving Blake a small smile. His face immediately lights up with happiness,


just a quick note, thanks for following the story so far, hopefully, I'll update some more and please suggest this book to any more of your werewolf fan friends :)

Thanks again

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