Chapter 5: First Power

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The picture above is of Sher
Chapter 5: First Power

As soon as I step into the lunchroom, all goes quiet except for the occasional whisper or a cough. I don't normally eat in the lunchroom due to this reason, but Sher convinced me otherwise for today. I normally eat in my special place.

A few months back, I had found a small pond with a large willow tree that drapes around the pond hiding it from wondering eyes, this eventually became my hang out area. We make our way to the lunch line to wait for our lunches. I hear a few snickers or giggles coming from the tables behind us.

"Why is it so quiet?" Blake asks Sherri, with a quizzical look.

"Because I'm here," I answer quickly before Sher can explain.

"What? Why does that matter."

Before I can answer back I feel a tap on my shoulders. I turn around to come face to face with the person who I dreaded to see the most, and their gang of course. Cause everyone needs a gang to walk around being influential or a stuck up queen-bee. In this case, it was the latter. There stands Chloe Hemming in all her blonde hair and blue-eyed glory. Every story needed a cake-face idiot, if this was a story it would be her by a long shot.

She had been bulling me ever since I arrived at school and bumped into her boyfriend by accident. Eventually, she found out I had no wolf and that just made it worst. I got here on a scholarship due to me having 'no' wolf, and if I make one mistake I won't be able to attend here anymore.

She also bullied Sher mainly because she hangs out with me, but instead of teasing Sher about her wolf, she teased her about her natural white hair and light gray eyes. Sher was born with thick white hair and she gained her light grey eyes because of her wolf.

"What are you doing here, Human," Chloe snarls at me. By the look on her face, she is disgusted by the fact that she had to eat lunch in the same room as me. Her sidekick laughs like it was the funniest thing said whilst nudging the other girl to join in. The guys just stood there bored.

Within the group, there was Chloe, the ringleader, Holly, her usual sidekick, Crystal, a shy girl who followed them around. Then there was the guys, Sam, Chloe's boyfriend and jerk, Damien, jock also a jerk then there was Harry, prankster and ... jerk. So basically no legitimate guy in school who wasn't a jerk.

"Just getting my lunch," I reply much to Chloe's dismay. I keep moving down the line hoping that she just leaves me alone. It's not that I'm scared of her, its that I'm scared that I will do something to her due to the anger issues that I try to keep hidden, so most of the time I ignore her.

"I didn't think a freak show like you ate, how about you just don't eat and die so everyone can go back to being happy without you here!" she harshly comments, showing no sign of leaving me alone. By this time the whole cafeteria was watching this drama, I even catch Mr. Stone watching with a bored glare, he never really liked me. I notice both Blake and Sher looking like they wanted to intervene, but they couldn't as Chloe's boyfriend, Sam, just happened to be the Alpha's son. I was also getting a little annoyed at the fact that she wouldn't leave me alone. I could feel my wolf getting angry, guess she's got my anger issues as well.

'Let me at her and I can tear her apart.' Celestial growls out lowly in my mind, thankfully not out loud.

'Can't let you do that, or else our secret will be out,' I quickly say trying to calm her down or else she might actually make an appearance. She growls once more before quieting down.

"Everyone needs to eat, even you," I quickly say to Chloe, after she was getting a bit suspicious as to why I was quiet for too long. On Chloe's plate was just a water bottle and an apple, it looked like she gave her food over to Holly.

"Are you saying I've got anorexia?!" She screeches, causing Celestial to whine at the loudness, Holly gasps loudly, like it was the worst thing to call her. In the commotion of Chloe screaming at me, I watch Holly hand her extra plate of spaghetti (That was probably originally Chloe's) over to Chloe. I already knew what she was going to do with the food on her tray, she had done it to me several times in the past. Holly stands on the other side of me and Chloe on the other side, so it was like a shoot-down but with me in the middle.

"If you love food so much, here have this..." Chloe says with glee. They throw it so fast that I wouldn't be able to avoid it in time. I brace for impact tightly squeezing my eyes shut. Please don't wreck my leather jacket, it's my favorite one. I wish everything would just freeze. I wait a little longer until I hear,

"Open your eyes, Avery," Celestial's voice echoes in my head. I slowly open one eye to see everything frozen or really slowly moving.

"This is one of your powers, you can slow down time enough that it eventually stops," she explains.

"Ohhh, that's cool..." I unconsciously say as I gaze in awe around at the floating food. I quickly snap out of it and step out of the way to avoid the containers of soup.

"How do I make it go back to normal?"

"Just imagine everything moving again, once you do so I will be silent for a while because I have to recharge your power again."

"Do you have to do it every time I use a power?" I ask her.

"Only for the first time using it or if you use it for longer than 10 minutes, so please don't use it for too long."

"Well talk to you later Celest, thanks for explaining," I walk over and stand next to Sher and Blake who both had a horrified expression on their faces.

"Bye," she says before I imagine the food still flying and soon enough I open my eyes to see Chloe and Holly screaming as the food flies towards each other.

The chunky spaghetti splatters all over their expensive and designer clothing. Whilst the girls are screaming about their dresses, the boys and Crystal stare at me with awe. I guess I would be weird seeing a girl in one spot and then in a second next to her friend.

"How... h-how did you do that," Harry speaks up first looking bewildered.

"I'm... Umm... Really fast," I quickly say before grabbing Sherri's hand and rush out of the lunchroom.

how you going? Good? that's great!

Hope you like this chapter hopefully the next one will be up soon.
I also have exams coming up soon so if don't update regularly blame school.
Please vote and share this book, and comment on how I can improve or make it more exciting.



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