Chapter 42: The Outcome?

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Chapter 42: The Outcome?


"Now can I get Neal and Amber as well as Ryder and Katie into the fighting area." Kyle had marked out the area of the fight earlier and also marked out a safe distance from which the audience can watch from.

Both pairs step over the boundary and make their way to either ends. I notice Katie giving a small wave and a quick peace sign, along with a massive grin on her face. Seems as though her nerves have cooled down a bit.

Now if only I could get rid of mine too...

"READY... SET..." Both pairs lower into a defensive position. I watch Katie as she bounces on the balls of her feet in anticipation. I could tell that she would be fast and quick on her feet. She stood at 5' 5 and is skinny as a stick. Her eyes dart around capturing every detail of Neal's mate Amber. My guess is their strategy is the girls will fight each other and leave the guys to each other.

"GO!!" Kyle jumps out of the arena area, drawing everyone's eyes giving Katie enough time to disappear from everyone's sight. I watch her with my enhanced eyesight as she shifts quickly to her wolf form. Even in my white wolf state, she would be able to give me a run for my money in a race, she was that fast. 

She plummets towards Amber before she had the time to realise what's going on to shift. Katie's wolf was on the smaller side probably giving her more speed, however, it highly resembled her human side. Her blonde coat reflected her short blonde hair as she flew through the wind catching the light and her bright blue eyes where hard to catch as she sped towards her target, eyes locked on.

Amber only just manages to shift into her brown wolf form in time before engaging Katie in combat. Whilst, they were fighting, Neal and Ryder where circling each other cautiously. The only chance Ryder had to win this fight was to either outwitt him or manage to defend himself until Katie would be able to help. Then Neal would be outnumbered and both Ryder and Katie would have more options to attack.

Ryder refusing to attack first, causes Neal to edge closer aiming for an attack, giving up on defending. Ryder was once apart of the fighters of the pack until he dropped out to focus on school, and he has watched Neal train everyone. I know for a fact that Ryder is very observant and would have picked up a few of his bad habits when it comes to fighting. In fact, on that day when I went venturing through the woods to get to the packhouse and ran into the guard, Ryder was the one who realised my eyes had changed colour when Kyle had his friends over.

Neal suddenly rushes forward and throws a jab at Ryder, however, as if anticipating it, he slips past it easily. He  instinctively follows up with a jab of his own towards Neal's mid section. Unfortunately, he manages to block it with a parry, creating another opportunity to throw another punch at Ryder. However, before he can, Ryder jumps backwards creating more distance between them and they start to circle each other again.

I glance back at the fight between the she-wolves and notice Katie has yet to be touched. She's darting around Amber barging her from behind and scratching her pelt. She occassionally is able to get under Amber and throw her body into the air or the ground if she lowers her guard at all. Amber is too slow to be able to counter Katie's quick attack as she throws Amber around the field. She's basically wearing down Amber's stamina and energy slowly but surely. At this stage Amber won't last too much longer, as you can tell by her quick breaths and panting. Even though, Neal was known to be the leader of the Warriors of our pack, she wasn't. She's never gotten into a fight before, however, we were all taught at a young age how to protects ourself and some were just more exceptional.

My eyes are drawn back once more to Ryder and notice the two exchanging a few words before Neal launches in for another attack. He quickly throws a left hook, however, it turns quickly into a fake before he throws a right cross. Not falling for the fake, Ryder quickly blocks with his own parry and encounters with a combo of attacks. He throws a double jab, which Neal only manages to block one as the other nicks the side of his face. Ryder then goes in with a straight cross, hitting his chest hard enough that it winds Neal. Loud cheering is heard from the other side of the area, as we watch Katie toss a tired Amber out of the boundaries.

Neal dismisses all the commotion and continues to concentrate on the fight in front of him. A blur of blonde fur dashes around them throwing off Neal's concentration, giving Ryder the perfect opportunity to throw another punch. He manages to land a left hook to Neal's body before he could throw a block up, then successfully throws a uppercut past Neal's arms, throwing his head up from the impact. Neal falls over backwards, landing on the grass hard. Without any motion coming from Neal, Kyle quickly jumps back onto the field and starts to count, the crowd along with him.

"1...2... And..." Still no movement from Neal as Kyle and Katie watch in anticipation.

"3!" Ryder and Katie look at each other, happiness and relief written all over their faces as they engulf. Many members watch in shock as a few other warriors come to collect Neal's unconcious body as well as Amber's exghasted one. Katie eyes connect to mine, as she looks around. She quickly rushes over dragging Ryder along.

"Congratulations!!" I exclaim happily to them.

"Thankyou so much Avery!!! It's because you calmed my nerves earlier that I didn't panic." Katie rushes her words out excitedly. I glance towards Ryder, as he remained calm and collected as if he knew the outcome.

"Not to offend you or anything... But how did you manage to win against Neal in a fist fight? It seemed as though to me you knew all his moves already." I ask curiously, hoping he would pass on some wisdom to me and Ashen for our fight.

"Well, Ive fought with him for years," Ryder shrugs nonchalantly, as if it was no big deal. "I know all of his habits from watching him. If you can pick up the smallest thing, you can sometimes either find a weakness or manage to figure out what move they will throw. Anyways good luck with your fight."

With that reminder, I was doomed...

"After a short break, we will have Beta Michael and his mate Winfrey and Omega Ashen and his mate Avery, come up to begin their match..."


Hey guys hopefully to you weren't waiting too long for this next chapter :)

And hopefully I got the fighting terms correct, I don't really know any techniques or names other than some basic ones so hopefully it's all correct and makes sense.

How you enjoyed and I'll try to get another chapter out soon.


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