Chapter 48: Strange Tattoo

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The picture above is of Ashen's and Avery's new marks, and if you're confused, then continue reading.

Chapter 48: Strange Tattoo


The Rain! That's it! The rain clouds and thunder appeared suddenly out of nowhere, it couldn't be natural. Surely thats-

'Bingo!' Celestial's voice appears out of nowhere. 'Maybe you do have SOME brain cells that are working, after all.'

That's it... My third and final power is that the weather matches my mood...

'No you idiot! It's called Weather Manipulation. Maybe you don't have ANY working brain cells.' Celestial chimes in.

Remembering why she left, as it's not like I miss her remarks, I quickly change the topic. 'So did you manage to see if Skull knew what that light was?'

'I did get through to him, however, he wanted me to check something before he tells me what he thinks it was.' She confirms to me, before continuing. 'He told me to check the back of Ashen and your own necks... For some bizarre reason.'

The back of our necks? Why would some random light have anything to do with the back of my neck. I search the hospital room for any sort of mirror or reflective surface. Having no luck, I ran to find the closest bathroom in the pack house. I rush around the corner, only to bump into Crystal who must be wondering around the pack house.

"Crystal!! Can you do me a quick favour please?" I rush out after apologizing to her for bumping into her. It might just be faster for her to check the back of my neck then trying to strain my neck from trying to turn around and look at it in the mirror.

When she agrees to do it, that is after giving me a confused look as if I was crazy, I pull down the back of my shirt to reveal my neck. I hear a loud gasp, before a hard impact comes in contact with my arm.

"WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO TELL ME YOU GOT A TATTOO!" Crystal yells in my ear, deafening me in the process.

"What are you talking about? The only tattoo I have, is the pack mark on my right arm..." I ask, confused as by what she means, whilst trying to protect my ears from her loud voice.

"THEN HOW DO EXPLAIN THE TATTOO ON YOUR NECK?!" She yells once again,taking another look at the nape of my neck, confusing the hell out of me.

"Well Celestial, my wolf, told me to check the back of my neck. For some reason when I touched Ashen this bright light came out of nowhere. So Celestial asked Ashens wolf, and he said to check both our necks. I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT A TATTOO OR ANY CLUE WHAT THE WOLVES ARE TALKING ABOUT?!" I exclaim loudly, matching Crystal's pitch and tone. Before realising she's probably pulling a prank on me. "Okay... Stop joking now, Crystal. You can stop with the prank, you didn't fool me." I watch Crystal pull out her phone, so I turn back around. She takes a quick photo of my neck and then released my shirt, before showing me the picture.

Sure enough there was a small mark on the back of my neck, just below the top of my shirt. It looks exactly like a tattoo, but one that has been there for a few years. The mark is of a sun with small swirls on one side and a crescent moon outlining the inside of the sun. That can't be my neck... There's no way...

Wait... Didn't Celestial say to check Ashen's as well. I quickly rush off, without any warning, but I can tell from her footsteps, she's following behind. I run back into his hospital room and rush too his side. Calming down slightly, so I don't wake him up, I slowly lift his head and move the back of his shirt down slightly so I can check the same spot as where the mark was on me.

I catch sight of a black line before I rotate my head so I can get a better look. There, on the back of his neck, is a similar design to mine, however, it was only a cresent moon and another line outlining the inside of the moon.

"SEE I WASN'T LYING!" Suddenly Crystal screams, from behind me. Still holding Ashen's head up, I feel him jolt awake from the sudden noise. He glances around the room, as both Crystal and I freeze in place. He throws us curious states before it turns into confusion.

"What are you doing?" He says, before it can get too awkward. I let out a loud sigh, how many times an I going to have to explain this.

"Well you got taken to the pack hospital after the fight and went to sleep. I came in and went to touch you and this bright light came out of nowhere, Right? Then Celestial went to talk to Skull, and he said we had to check the back of our necks first, before he told us anything more." I notice Ashen slightly freeze up when hearing the last bit, before I continue. "Then I got Crystal to check my neck and there was this weird mark like tattoo. Then we went to check yours as well and Crystal yelled too loud and woke you up."

Ashen stays frozen in place after hearing all of the story. It seems as though he's thinking it through, as he remains still for a few minutes. "And you said that you had some sort of mark on the neck too?" He asks quietly still staring at his folded hands in front of him. Quickly drawing his attention, I pull down the back of my shirt and show him the mark before turning around again. "And I now have one on the back of my neck too?"

I nod and indicate to Crystal to take a picture of it. After she's done, she quickly shows the photo to Ashen, however, he doesn't seem surprised. Suddenly, he starts to unravel the bandages and begins to move his arm around as if to stretch it.

I let out a loud gasp. His dislocated shoulder and broken arm should've taken several weeks to heal before he could move it again.

"I guess I should explain then..." He starts, trying not to make any eye contact with me.



I hope you had a great year and have an amazing one to come as well. It seems to go by so fast, it's really been at least a year since I started this book, and look how far it's come!

I love you all very much and I am so happy that some of you are keeping up with the slow updates, sorry, and are regularly commenting on chapters. ❤️♥️❤️

Thanks again

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