Chapter 30: Shifting Fabric

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Thankfully I haven't heard any gasping or other shocking sounds telling me that the shift was successful and I now have brown fur instead. I look up to see most of the other Council members shifted as well.

"Everyone must stay here, we wouldn't want to scare away the new Luna," the woman commands the pack before shifting.

I take off in the direction the cave is before looking behind me to see all the Council members following me

I come to a stop just outside of the cave as I quickly mind link the Council to wait here. The council has the ability to mind link anyone, similar with the alpha and his pack but the Council can basically communicate with anyone within a nearby range. I notice the female Council member shifting back and I notice that she still had her clothes on. Several other members started shifting back and they too had their clothes on too. A while back some witches created clothing that allowed werewolves to shift in them without the ripping, however they are pretty expensive to get you hands on. The witches had called it Shifting fabric or something.

"Wait take these, it'll be easier if we weren't all in wolf form. It might freak her out too much. Change into these and then you can head inside." She reaches out her hand and I realise she was handing me some clothing. As soon as I touch them I can tell they were made from the shifting fabric. I carefully grab the fabric in my mouth and trot over to a tree to shift. As I'm dressing I realise the clothing consists of galaxy leggings and a plain black tank top. The fabric shapes around my body and sticks to my skin as if it's a second skin.  So this is what shifting fabric feels like, it almost feels as though I'm wearing nothing it's that soft. They feel too expensive for me to wear.

"Thanks for letting me borrow these, aren't they really expensive?" I ask, coming out from behind the tree. I notice that everyone has shifted back and was currently exploring the area around the front of the cave.

"Oh it's nothing, dear. We get them for free from the witches as a fee for staying on our land. You can keep those ones honey, they look really good on you," the woman, who graciously gave me her spare set of shifting fabric, chuckles as she notices my slight blush from her compliment.

"Really?! I can't take them that's too much!" I'm astonished that she would give me these clothes as just a shifting fabric would go for around $5000 let alone the undergarments, leggings and a tank top.

"Oh it's fine. Think of it as a Thank you gift for coming forward and showing us where the Luna was," she grins widely showing off her perfect white teeth with the slightly sharpened canines that all werewolves have.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Anyways you should probably head into the cave now. But before you bring her out can you comfort her first. I wouldn't want her freaking out too much," She suggests.

With that I head into the cave and quickly mind link Crystal as I can sense her uneasiness.

'Crystal, Its just me coming in and I'm with some people who want to see you. You're not in trouble or anything.' I state calmly through the link as I can tell she is freaking out.

'Avery?! I can sense a lot of presences with you. Are the rogues back?!' I can sense her presence pacing around in the cave and the anxiousness in her voice.

'No! It's not the rogues, they are safe they won't hurt you I promise. Could you come out please?' I reassure her, even though I'm not too sure that 'Johnston' is quite safe yet with his anger issues.

'What about Ashen? Do you want him to come out too? He's very nervous at the moment,' Crystal replies less anxious.

'Uhhh, no not just yet. Let's just do one step at a time. I'm almost to you guys and I'll explain things before we go out.' Ashen would be too nervous and freaked out around the Council and would probably cause more drama than needed.

As I make my way closer to the opening to the lake where Crystal and Ashen were, I can vaguely hear my mate asking Crystal what was happening. I can identify the stress and anxiousness in his voice causing my heart to clench, making me want to comfort him.

I peer my head around the corner to see Crystal pacing back and forth nervously and Ashen sitting cross legged on the ground anxiously watching her. Realising they are too unsettled to notice my scent or presence, I walk out from behind the corner of jagged rocks and immediately their heads flung towards my direction.

"AVERY?!" Crystal shouts as she rushes over towards me, stumbling slightly. Ashen stays where he is, however, his Wolf calms him down due to my presence and he relaxes. "What's going on? Who's out there? Why did they want to see me?" She quick-fires questions at me, not allowing me to answer any before she asked another one.

"Once you calm down, I will explain everything." I head over towards Where Ashen is sitting with Crystal following curiously. I take a seat next to him and get comfortable. Both of them are looking at me worriedly and curiously as if preparing for bad news. Crystal takes a seat opposite me so I can both see them.

"You may want to take some deep breaths first Crystal this is going to be a lot to take in."

Yay I finally updated😆😆

Sorry it took so long, I got a new job and I've had to do all the training for it and it's been exhausting. Anyways I had a break today and decided to update for you ❤️️

Hope you enjoyed it

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