Chapter 62: i am you

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Sorry guys to keep you waiting so long for the next chapter. Honestly, no excuses could make it right to not update for almost a whole year 😬😬 but I kinda forgot I had this book up and before I slowly started hating it so I didn't have the motivation to write. But somehow it came up in a conversation at uni and my friends started reading the book and desperately want me to update... So here it is, I'll try to update again but can't promise anything.

Chapter 62: i am you


Tears well up in my eyes and being to cascade down my face. Scar bears his fangs and leans over towards my neck. Sadness consumes me and I close my eyes waiting and expecting. As soon as my eyes shut, the monster appears. It just stares back at me, not growling, not moving, nothing... The sight of its blood red eyes send fear and panic like I've never felt before running through my veins.

A sharp pain on my neck causes my knees to buckle and collapse. A pair of arms hold me still and press me again the brick wall. Scar retracts his fangs from my neck and cleans the wound. A strange feeling sweeps over me which my body tries to reject over and over. His hand pulls my face up and smashes his lips against mine.


When a new bond tries to form between a werewolf couple that is not destined mates, the body of the female who is marked first suffers continuous pain which only disappears when she marks him back. The pain felt is from the bond breaking and this extreme constant pain drives her to mark the male back shortly afterwards. This is to prove the influence a male werewolf has over a female, 

Crippling pain surges through my veins causing me to quickly push away from Scar and cry out. The searing pain as a new bond tries to forms over my weakened and fractured bond with Ashen. The blood in my veins scream out as Scar's saliva mixes into my blood and courses throughout my body. It tries everything to reject the new substance however, with my weakened state it seems almost impossible.

Through the pain I can hear Scar and the guards mutter a couple words before they free me from the chains and walk out of the cage, causing me to crumple into a ball on the cold stoney floor of the cell. All my senses grow dull as I can no longer focus on anything else but the searing pain. It feels as if my blood is fire running through my veins burning the inside of my body.

Ashen's face pops into my mind as I start to lose consciousness, and my eyes fill with tears. I allow the tears to fall down my face and drop onto the cold floor before my vision turns black...

"I'm sorry..."


Soft mumbling slowly wakes me up, as I try to move, my body screams out in pain, thus making me remain in the same position, not dating to move. However, the pain is not as extreme as it was when scar marked me, instead it just feels as if it's the aftermath from my muscles and inner body are just sore from all the pain it went through.

Normally, I would still be in pain until I marked back... Wait... Don't tell me that that monster took over from the pain and marked back! No no NO!! THIS IS NOT HOW IT WAS MEANT TO GO!

I feel my chest start to tighten and it suddenly gets harder to breathe, causing me to begin to hyperventilate. I glance around my cell quickly, however, there was nothing that could help calm my breathing.

'dont be stupid... i hate that bastard as much as you do,' a deep, gruff voice enters my enters my head. 'theres no way i would want to bond with him...' The monster responds. Slowly grasping what he was trying to say, I regain control over my breathing, bringing back to a normal pace.

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