Chapter 1: Inner Wolf

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Chapter 1: Inner Wolf

Mist surrounds my body. I stumble along a barely lit trail, tripping on rocks as I try to find my way. My round chocolate eyes catch a large shadow hidden behind the mist. I edge closer anxious to find out what it is, I clarify it as a canine. The large dog starts to make its way towards me treading lightly, until the mist parts and creates a path for the dog.

It stops right in front of me. It's white coat shimmering and catches the glint of the bright moonlight. It's gentle electric blue and green eyes stare at me intently. Straight away I can tell that this dog isn't ordinary, it is a she-wolf. The stunning white wolf opens its muzzle and in a soft voice, she speaks.

"You just might be the right one... Avery..."


"WAKE UP AV! GET YOUR ASS DOWNSTAIRS AND MAKE ME PANCAKES!" My twin brother bursts into my room yelling, trying to shake my bed. I groan and turning onto my stomach, shutting out his voice with my pillow. Soon enough my blankets have been ripped off my bed, sending a wave of chills down my body giving me goosebumps.







I remove my face from under my pillow and glare at his smirking face knowing he won the fight. Suddenly his face contorts into a horrified expression and he lets out a girly squeal.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR EYES?!" He screams at me.


He races out of my room to get to the bathroom, probably to check his own eyes. I get up slowly out of my bed to see what had happened to my eyes. I stumble over to my full-length mirror. My eyes had turned from the same chocolate brown into a magnificent electric blue with green flecks through the pupil.

The color reminds me of the snowy she-wolf that came in my dream. Images of my weird dream fly back to me and the voice echoes around the room. "You just might be the right one... Avery..." What did she mean by that?

Downstairs I hear the front door slam shut and footsteps on the hard wooden floor. Mum must be home from work, I've never actually figured out what mum does after these 17 years. She suddenly leaves at unexpected times and then appears later exhausted.

I leave my room and head downstairs. I see mum collapsed on top of the leather couch. When I reach the bottom step, she lifts her head to check who it was.

"Happy seventeenth birthday, sweetie" she exclaims and forces an exhausted smile.

"Mum, whats wrong with my eyes?"

Mum hesitates for a few seconds as she quickly examines them. "Do you remember how when you were born you couldn't shift?" I nod, "that was because you hadn't found your wolf. When you find your wolf you take on their eyes, normally you are born with them but since you didn't find your wolf, your eyes change when you do actually find your wolf."

"So that wolf in my dream is my wolf?"

"Yes, she is."

"So I can shift now?" I ask quickly, as she nods.

"Um... how do I do that."

"Focus all your thoughts and listen to your wolf's voice."

I try to concentrate and focus on my thoughts and to keep my excitement tamed. 'Just breathe and let me take over,' i hear her voice as I take a deep breath and allow my wolf to take over. It was weird when she took over, my conscious was being pushed back into my mind and her presence was being brought forward. I was only watching from the inside. I hear the cracking of bones and whimpering, as sharp pains cross my body. I suddenly realize that I could've still shifted without my wolf taking over, but she wanted to take most of the pain of shifting for the first time for me. As soon as she finished shifting, she allowed me back to control my new form.

I glance down at my paws, they were such a bright white color that it almost hurt my eyes. All my senses where enhanced - I could hear the rustling of leaves outside, smell the fresh rain that was coming, see even the smallest of details - everything is different from how I would normally perceive them when I didn't have my wolf. With the newly enhanced hearing, I could hear pounding footsteps coming down the stairs quickly.

Kyle comes racing into the living room and skids to a halt on the slippery wooden planks layering the floor. He stands in front of mum protectively and starts to shift. Kyle never showed me his wolf, probably because he thought I would be jealous that he had a wolf and I didn't. He turns into a slightly larger brown wolf with light brown and cream patches along his underside (A picture of his wolf is above). He starts to growl at me, thinking that I am a rogue, probably because he doesn't know I can now shift. He mind links me, which is a werewolf's way of communicating when we are in wolf form. However, the mind-link connection can only occur when either an alpha creates one to talk to his pack or when you are connected by blood. How Kyle doesn't realize that he can talk through mind-link to me indicating that I am related to him, don't ask me.

'Step away from my mother,' He growls through the link. I try to back away, showing him that I am not dangerous, however, since I am not used to having four paws instead of feet I stumble and fall to the ground. He quickly rushes over and towers over me growling protectively.

"Kyle stop! That's Avery, she found her wolf this morning," Mum explains. He turns back to look at mum, before he backs away allowing me to get up again, letting out small whines as an apology. "Go shift back and grab some new clothes as you ripped them before," She instructs Kyle. He looks back at me cautiously and then tilts his head to the side as a dog would do when he's puzzled. He relaxes and runs back upstairs to shift back.

"Avery, start to walk around so you can get used to being in your wolf form," Mum addresses me as she sits back down on the lounge to rest. I do just that. I start to walk around, every now and then stumbling over my paws, and eventually, I managed to get used to it. I walk over to the vanity we have in the bathroom and jump onto my back paw so I can peer into the mirror. The face that's looking back at me was the exact same as the one in my dream. The magnificent white fur glistens under the light and my striking blue eyes pierce my reflection. The image leaves me speechless, why is my coat white? It should be the same chocolate brown as Kyle since we are twins. Normally the wolf's fur resonates with the human's natural hair, so why aren't I brown. Normally it's natural for them to be the same but I have heard of a few cases where this hasn't actually happened, like my friend. Her hair is white, which is rare as she was born with any color pigments. However, her wolf is a grey, as white fur was rarer.  In fact, I've never even seen a pure white wolf before until I saw the wolf in my dream.

In legends, mum read me when I was little, white wolves were special and each had a power. They developed them as they started to become extinct. Because of their coat, humans hunted them until they very quickly became extinct. I quickly disappear upstairs so that my wolf can change me back into my human form as I was still unsure how to. I race back down the stairs once I was done and jump on the couch. Both mum and Kyle were sitting on the other couch looking very serious.

Mum's face darkens, "Avery, you must not show anyone your wolf," she commands


"Because it could be dangerous, there could still be people out there hunting for white wolves. Last year one got shot."

"So there are other white wolves beside me?"

"There is only one which you now have. When a wolf dies of silver, they will not go into a wolf spirit, that's why when they were all killed by the hunters only one managed to survive and die of old age. Since the one last year was shot, I guess she is now your wolf guide. What is her name?"

I  hesitate for a moment before my wolf answers the question.


Thankyou so much for reading hopefully this chapter makes sense.

Hope you like it so far


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