Chapter 46: The Result

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Chapter 46:  The Result


I let go of his dark gray pelt, and push off of his body with my feet. I quickly curl into a ball and roll across the ground before jumping up.

I hurriedly look back to see what happened Michael, hoping the match is over.

Due to my impact of jumping off, it caused him to tumble over and slid further in the mud. I notice his wolf lying in the mud completely exhausted and utterly defeated. He had crossed the line and went out of bounds...

"And the winner is Ashen and his mate Avery!!" Kyle announced as everyone watches in shock. The rain has already subsided and the dark clouds are starting to disperse and disappear in the sky. Realising the situation, several pack members rush over to Michael, assisting him of the field once he shifts back to his human form.

My eyes make a connection with ones full of rage. Winfrey stormed over towards me, angry and embarrassed.

"How dare you humiliate me in front of MY pack!" She screams as she shoves my shoulder with all her strength. However, now I realise why she didn't participate in the fight. She was weak... Her shove barely even made me move. This thought made me happy... Very happy.

"How dare I?! This was a fair fight! I didn't humiliate you, YOU YOURSELF DID THAT! Surrendering without a fight makes you look weak... But then again you probably are weak!" I exclaims, trying to put her back in her rightful place. I look around realising a lot of the pack members were watching us argue.

Due to her horrid personality, no-one wanted to step in to save her from my wrath. I start to take small steps towards her, causing her to retreat at the same time.  "And this is not just YOUR pack! It's EVERYONE'S! You don't get to rule it anymore and no-one has to suck up to your sorry weak ass anymore. So how about you back out from being in my face and realise I could do more damage to you than you can do to me. I just beat up your husband, I can beat you up too."

I start hearing cheers and people calling out words to encourage me to continue with my rant. After I finish, all heads turn simultaneously towards Winfrey waiting for her response.  Frustrated and flustered she tries to look for a comeback to response but it seems as though it's no good. She lets out an annoyed, girlish squeal before storming off, pushing past everyone in the crowd, which had interrupted in cheers and were currently applauding me.  Exhaustion hits me like a train. My body suddenly feels really heavy as though all my energy is draining out.

'It's because you borrowed some of my power during your fight. Without the extra energy, your body returns back to normal.' Celestial explains as I try not to fall asleep standing up.

I glance around wondering what would happen next. I notice Kyle, Crystal and the members of the council discussing quietly amongst themselves. After agreeing on something, Kyle turns back towards the pack, ready to announce the results. 

"Due to the rain, the field has turned to mud. The next pairs are allowed to discuss and decide between them if they wish to fight today. However, the final fights will be held in a few days. I will give the next pairs 5 minutes to decide whether to fight or not. Thankyou." Kyle announces loudly, as the next two pairs step forwards to discuss.

Remembering Ashen, my fatigue disappears, as I take off in the direction of the pack doctors. Arriving shortly after I hear cheers coming from the pack, probably as the next fight is underway, I see Ashen deep asleep in a hospital bed with a bandage over his shoulder. However, what concerned me was his arm was in a cast and strapped to his chest to prevent it from moving.

Suddenly, I hear the door open behind me and I quickly whip my head towards the direction of the door. The doctor had walked in and was currently looking shocked that I was in here.

"I se-see you found the room easily," He says, pretending he wasn't shocked, as he makes his way towards Ashen's bed. He quickly scans through his clipboard containing his notes.

"I'm assuming you're his mate?" I respond with a quick nod, before he continues. "Did you know about all the scars across his back and torso, as well as the hint of silver in his blood?"

Then I remember when we first met... When he had stepped out from his cage, I had noticed faded scars all over his body, but then I got distracted by the fact that he was my mate.

"Sadly yes... He had told me he was being held in a silver cage by rogues until a few weeks ago, when he escaped from them." I explain to the doctor, hoping that he wouldn't question me further about it, as I probably wouldn't be able to spit that many more lies out.

"Well, I've removed the remaining silver from his blood, however, the scars will still remain and he will never get rid of. Along with that he has a dislocated shoulder and a broken arm, which should heal in about 2 weeks time thanks to our wolf blood. We will keep him here for a day or two before we can release him." He explains as he lists off everything from his notes.

This means Ashen won't be healed in time to fight in the next match... I doubt I'd be able to take them on my own, seeing as they also have won a match. Probably noticing I'm deep in thought the doctor takes his leave and closes the door behind him.  I take a seat next to Ashen's bed, as I watch him sleep peacefully. Even though, Ashen's not in an serious danger, the mate bond, causes worry and anxious. I raise my head to move his hair out of his ears, however, just as I make contact...

A bright light fills the room and surrounds both Ashen and I.

Hey guys!!!! Hopefully you weren't waiting too long for this chapter. The story is going to start kicking up a bit. I'm wrote out my whole plan for this book already and I think I might start the climax soon.

Thanks for all reading!!! MY BOOK WENT UP TO RANK 21 IN WEREWOLF!!! I couldn't believe it. I really do love you all ❤️♥️❤️
Hopefully one day it'll get to rank 1!

Again, Hope you enjoyed

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