Chapter 45: Unnatural Weather

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Chapter 45: Unnatural Weather


Well actually, in all that, Winfrey surrendered before walking off, saying she doesn't even want to fight," Kyle mutters in a low voice. Ashen passes out, probably due to the liquid the doctor injected in him.

"Well that makes it easier, even though I wanted to beat her ass."

"No that's not the point! I'm not letting you back in there to fight by yourself against Michael! He was the old Beta, he's way stronger than you." Kyle exclaims loudly, as the doctor takes Ashen off the field carefully, making sure not to bump or touch his shoulder.

"Well I haven't surrendered yet, so I'm still in the fight whether you like it or not. Now please resume the match before I start fighting you! I need to get my revenge..."


Kyle remains by the side line, looking more worried than before, as he watches me walking towards Michael. He must have been telling the truth when he said that Winfrey immediately surrendered, as I notice her standing near the other pairs with a large smirk on her face.

Anger slowly starts to simmer inside me as I glare at her face. That's when I realise most of the pack members where casually chatting not interested in the fight at all. They're acting as if they know the outcome of the fight already, and the rest of it is pointless. The feeling of anger start to boil now.

'How dare they think we are just weak females, that are not capable of fighting a man.' Celestial joins in, as her anger starts to add to mine, making one massive explosion waiting to happen. But Celestial is right, living in a pack, it can get pretty sexist depending on who the leadership is. Especially with our old Alpha, he wouldn't allow any of the females join the warriors or guards of the pack. I glance up an notice dark, rain clouds forming above right above us and spreading outwards, as if unnaturally.

A loud growl escapes from my mouth drawing everyone's attention back towards me. I glare at Michael once again, and I can see and sense the amusement coming from his wolf's face. He also thought he was already destined to win. If I can't win, the least I can do is to put up a good fight to change the perceptions all the men have on the women within the pack.

Thunder echoes all around us, as my anger soars higher. And starts to escape into the air. It's as though it's responding to my emotions... I sense Celestial stirring within me and encouraging me to shift. By now rain drops have formed, and are slowly falling down on top of all the pack members, causing several members to start leaving to get out of the rain.

More thunder echoes around me, as I close my eyes and start to picture shifting into Kyle's wolf. I image the brown and cream fur sprouting from by body, the shape of his wolf and size. I feel my bones moving around and snapping, however, it's becoming less painful now and more natural.

I open my eyes and immediate start to charge towards Michael, using Celestial's speed. I realise as I'm running, the rain and thunder has stopped, however, the dark ominous clouds are still hanging over our heads.  Michael starts looking around wondering what's going on with the weather, and I take that chance to gain more momentum.

As I make contact with his wolf's body, I use all the strength I can to throw him into the air, similar to what he had done earlier. Taking him by surprise, he had yet to raise his guard and defenses, allowing me to easily toss him into the air.

He didn't travel as far through the air as I had, as he is heavier than me and also he had been closer to my side of the area. I quickly follow after his flying body as fast as I could, so that I won't allow him any time to recuperate. Although, as soon as he lands, I can tell that it's probably worst than what both Ashen and I had to endure.

As soon as he touches the ground, he curls into a small ball to reduce the damages, however, the force of landing causes him to unwrap and he tumbles multiple times along the ground before skidding across the dirt.

Not allowing him any time to get up, I jump over the top of his fallen body and grab onto the back of his neck with my teeth. The feeling of blood and fur quickly coat the inside of my mouth, however, I refuse to let go. He let's out a howl in pain and quickly jumps up, trying to remove me off of his back. Since I was a small wolf, whenever I am in Kyle's form, I managed to fit onto Michael back. I sink my claws in, making sure I don't fall off, causing him yelp again. 

He jumps around more ferociously, bucking as if he was a horse, until he tries to roll around on the ground, trying to squish me. I clamp my teeth down harder, I can tell Michael's starting to grow tired.

Suddenly, he takes off in the opposite direction, running as if he has a purpose too. Something out of the side of my eyes catches my attention. The boundry line... He is intending on throwing me over the line to eliminate me. I try to kick one of my paws underneath him, intending on tripping him. But with me hanging onto his neck and back, I can't quite find the right angle to get underneath him.

The boundry line is coming closer by the second, so I quickly try to come up with a plan. I could be unfair and freeze time when in my human form... But the point of the match was to be fair, and if Kyle found out, he would murder me. However, I could...

With a plan in mind I watch the line closely, right up until a few metres away. I quickly shift back to my human form and balance on him back. Thankfully, the council had given us shifting fabric, so that we can shift to and from human and wolf form during the fight. Slightly confused, Michael turns his head around slightly to take a look at what I was trying to accomplish. Suddenly, the rain starts plummeting down faster than before, quickly making the ground slippery and causing us to loose sight of the line.

I manage to make out the line through the rain, only about a metre away. Michael tries to stop quickly, however, to no avail, he starts slipping in the mud. I let go of his dark gray pelt, and push off of his body with my feet. I quickly curl into a ball and roll across the ground before jumping up.

I hurriedly look back to see what happened Michael, hoping the match is over.

Due to my impact of jumping off, it caused him to tumble over and slid further in the mud. I notice his wolf lying in the mud completely exhausted and utterly defeated. He had crossed the line and went out of bounds...

Hey guys!!! I was thinking about leaving it on a cliffhanger, however, I thought that it would be too mean, so I decided to at least include the result of the fight.

Hopefully you are all enjoying these constant updates.

Thankyou to all those that are commenting and voting, Ive already met and had a small conversation with some nice people in the comments as well as on my message board. Thanks to all those who are encouraging me to update more, you probably don't know that it's you, but all the nice comments make me want to get another chapter out there for you.

Anyways I love you all xx

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