Chapter 22: Inspection

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The picture above is of Sher's wolf. It is technically a white wolf, but its not the white wolf they are looking for in the legend because it does have black and grey in it.

"Thanks Avery, you're a real friend." I give her a tight hug to reassure her that everything will be alright.

Suddenly a loud voice booms through my head, 'All pack members must be outside the pack house in 10 minutes. No-one is allowed to skip this meeting. Even if you are sick or injured. Everyone MUST attend! Everyone!' It was the alpha, and he didn't sound too happy...
Avery's POV
I glance around all the pack members that had gathered outside. I spot Kyle standing next to some of his friends. However, I couldn't see Sher anywhere just yet, hopefully she can get here in the next few minutes. I walk over towards Kyle and ask him what's going on.

"I heard that the Alpha from the next territory over is visiting. He's apparently looking for someone. No clue who it would be. Anyways where have you been the past few days Miss' " he gives me a pointed look.

"I've been at home, Where have you been." I honestly say...

"No I mean during the day, I've haven't seen you at since you went to visit the pack house." He now gives me a suspicious look. All his friends had stopped their conversation to listen curiously.

"Well... I've been visiting Sher, other than that I've been at home." I lie, hoping he will get the hint to stop investigating me. But clearly he doesn't as he goes to ask another question.

"I'll explain later, the alpha is coming." I hurriedly say, to get him off my back and luckily the alpha was indeed coming over to the massive gathering. Thankfully, I now see that Sher had arrived in time and make my way over towards her. I finally get to her just as the alpha arrives in front of the gathering. Everyone bows to him and he starts to announce what is happening.

"Everyone needs to line up in groups. The female adults, the male adults, the female Teens, the male teens, and the children. Infants who cannot shift can stay with their mother and/or father if needed." He points out the spaces where the groups need to line up. Sher grabs my hand and pulls me over towards the area where the female teenagers have started to gather. I situate myself close to the end of the line next to Sher and sadly Chloe's sidekick Holly. She quickly gives me a disgusted look before trying to put a bit of distance between us.

Once all the groups where lined up in a straight line, the alpha once again stands back up. "Now, we have a visitor from our neighbouring pack. Please welcome Alpha Scott," upon the mention of his name a large muscled man steps out of the pack house to stand next to our Alpha James. I notice on the other side of Alpha James was Sam. I guess it was pretty close to his initiation ceremony. "If anyone dare disrespect Alpha Scott, you all know what happens." Alpha James continues giving a warning look to us. We all knew what he meant, if we dare go against any of his orders we would either be sold to a different pack as a slave or we would be banished. Alpha James takes a step back as Alpha Scott prepares to speak.

"I am here today in search for a certain wolf... You all probably heard some legends and I am here to figure them out for myself. I am in search for the White Wolf." Oh Crap... This cannot be good. Sher squeezes my hand to reassure me, but I don't think either of us will know what's gonna happen. Whispers go around the pack members, some of doubt and disbelief and others of surprise and curiousness. "I know some of you probably don't believe in the legend and that the white wolves are fully extinct. However, I saw for my own eyes one just outside you pack boundary. It was too far away to tell what gender it was but I was carrying someone on their back. I am going around to all the packs to find where this wolf is. I order you all to shift before me when I come around anyone who refuses will be taken back to my pack as a slave."

This cannot seriously be happening... My brain starts to panic and my palms start to sweat. Sher turns to me and gives me a worried look. Be taken or be discovered... I sense a gaze on me and look up to see Kyle looking worriedly at me probably knowing what I was thinking. He quickly shakes his head and mind links me.

'Just shift, I don't want to lose you. What's the worst that can happen.'

I see the both the alpha's walking past each person as they shift. Soon enough they are up to my line. As they get closer my breathing gets shorter and hands start to shake. My vision starts to blur and soon enough a feel as though I'm going to pass out.

'STOP!' I vaguely hear Celestials voice echo through my head. 'Take deep breaths and don't think about it.'

I take in some deep breaths and count to ten. Soon enough my vision starts to come back. I feel Sher squeezing my hand. Both the alphas were stopped right in front of her.

"Hmm..." Alpha Scott murmurs as he looks at her hair. "Is this colour natural?"

"Yes alpha..." She squeezes my hand one more time before letting go to bow to him.

"Is your fur also white, according to your hair?"

"Unfortunately not, Alpha," she says calmly.

"We'll see about that. Shift!" Alpha James commands. Sher obeys and shifts into her light grey wolf. "Damn so close..." He mutters.

They continue moving until they're stand right in front of me. I look down as it was disrespectful to look the Alpha in the eyes.

"You don't seem to have much of a wolf's presence," Alpha Scott comments, "Did you only recently get your wolf?"

Before I could answer, Alpha James quickly says, "She never had a wolf, she's a waste of time. Let's move on," hope soars in my chest as they go to move on. But of course, the world is hating me right now.

"Actually Alpha she found her wolf a few days ago," Holly speaks up from beside me. Never in my life have I wanted to punch someone in the face more than right now.

"Oh, really alright then," they come back once again to stand in front of me. "Shift!" He commands using Alpha tone making it impossible to refuse. But somehow it has no effect on me.

"Didn't you hear me... Shift!"

Om mi goodness! A double update! Never would have thought it was possible... Anyway hope you guys love this cliff hanger.


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