You're Mine

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Waking up the next day, I opened my eyes slowly but wished I wouldn't have at all as the realization that today was Dave's birthday began to set in.

Kierra walked in my room and looked at me.

"Ki, what are you doing here?" I asked.

She didn't say anything she just simply walked up to me and hugged me. I sniffled as she hugged me firm and long. After a few moments she broke the hug and stared at me.

"I figured you'd need help today. You don't have to worry about Ari and Yomi I'm taking them out for their birthday today. We're going to go shopping, then do mani and pedis, after that we'll probably go see a movie or go skating. I'd actually love it if you came with us, but I understand if you just want to be home. Either way we love you ma. We're all here for you whenever you need us."

Wiping the tears from my eyes, Kierra kissed my head.

"I love you too, Ki. Thank you." I sniffled.

"You're welcome mama. I'll have my phone on so if you do decide to join us just let me know."

I nodded my head okay. I watched Kierra leave the room as I grabbed my robe and made it to the second floor where Kendasha resided. I went in her room and saw her sitting at her desk staring out the window. She was so beautiful.

She and I hadn't really seen eye to eye ever since Dave passed

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She and I hadn't really seen eye to eye ever since Dave passed. I knew she blamed me for his death. She was so close to him, and was insanely crazy about her father. I tried my best to be there for her, but she was very closed off and to herself. She didn't use to be this way. There was a time her and I were inseparable but I understood that this was how she dealt with her grief. We were both dealing with this tremendous loss, but I missed her and our relationship.

I saw Kendasha drop her head as she began to cry.


"Yes, baby? I'm here." I sniffled. It hurt me seeing her this way.

"I know you don't want me to, but I miss daddy. I miss the way he use to hold me. The way he use to make me laugh. The way he could make my goofy side come out and how he gave me kisses. I-I wish he was here. I'm sorry." Kendasha cried.

"Oh, babygirl. Don't be sorry." I went into her room fully and hugged her.

She laid her head on my chest as she sobbed. Brushing the back of her head softly, I let the tears I was holding in fall down my face as I rocked her back and forth.

Khari and Kiyomi weren't really effected by Dave's passing the way Kendasha and I were because they weren't born yet so they never got to meet him. However, Kendasha was Dave's heart and vice versa. So when he passed away she lost a part of her heart. I knew the feelings that I felt were in comparison with what she felt.

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