Depressing Matter

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"Mama, are you okay?" Kendasha asked, grabbing my hand.

Tears fell down my face as I looked at her.

"No, Kenny I'm not okay. I can't help but feel like this is my fault. Did I do something wrong? Have I been a bad mother?" I sniffled.

Wiping tears from my eyes, I sniffled. Kendasha looked at me sympathetically.

"Mama, no. You're an amazing mommy. You haven't done anything wrong. This isn't your fault. You didn't have any control over this happening. I know that you love us, but you can't possibly think that you can protect us from everything. You can't think that you can be everywhere all at once. In life as parents I know that you and dad want to protect us but the simple fact of the matter is that you just can't." Kendasha said.

Hearing her talk, I sniffled as I wiped more tears that fell from my eyes.

"Thank you for trying to take some of the blame off me sweetheart, but do mama a favor. Go to your room and leave me to have some time to myself."

"Yes ma'am." Kendasha said, walking towards the door.

I could look in her eyes and tell she didn't want to leave me. She looked back at me sympathetically as she said something that sunk to my heart.

"Ma, if you don't remember anything else remember God is the only one that can fix this. Pray for what you need and let God do the rest."

As soon as she left I broke down completely. Grabbing my phone, I sobbed as I made a Group FaceTime call to my sisters.

"Karen, what's wrong?" Twinkie asked, being the first to answer.

"I-" Before I could talk Dorinda picked up.

"Aww, hell. What done happened now? Who I got to kill?"

"What in the world is going on?" Jacky asked, being the last to answer.

I couldn't even talk because of how hard I was crying. Twinkie looked at me then made a group decision for all of them.

"You know what that's it we're coming over. We're coming over right now. Hold tight, Karen. We're coming, we're coming." Twinkie said, ending her call.

"See you in a minute." Jacky said, hanging up.

"Don't move. We'll be right there."

Once Dorinda hung up I went completely silent as I put my head down and sobbed silently. They got here in ten minutes tops. Dorinda was the first to run through the door to my side.

"KareBear, what's going on?" Dorinda asked, kneeling down beside me.

"Doe, what did she say happened?" Jacky asked, coming in behind her.

"She hasn't said anything yet."

"What's going on?" Twinkie asked.

"Karen, speak. We're all here for you. What's going on?" Dorinda asked.

I wiped tears that fell from my eyes as I sniffled.

"Kiyomi was jumped by a group of girls. She's in the hospital in a coma. She lost so much blood that she had to get more than one blood transfusion."

"Jesus...." Twinkie trailed.

"Oh my God." Dorinda said.

"The girl or girls that stabbed her stabbed her five times in the uterus. The doctor is saying she'll never be able to have kids again. I-I..... I know I'm supposed to be on bedrest but all I can think about is the fact that my little girl is in a coma. I want to be there for her but I can't and it's killing me."

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