•2• Test of Salvation

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Once we arrived to the jail Karen and I were instantly taken on opposite sides of the jail. I couldn't see her and she couldn't see me. An officer took me in a room to be processed.

"Alright, Mr. Webster. I'm going to ask you a few questions and I'm going to need you to cooperate, do you understand?" The officer asked.

I didn't say anything instead I looked the other way. All I could think about was the fact that those officers had not only manhandled my wife but had thrown us in here for no reason at all. We ain't deserve to be here fah nothing. This was a setup.

"Mr. Webster...... Mr. Webster." The male officer continued.

"Aye, Ricardo. He might take it better coming from a woman. Let me try." The female officer said.

"Alright, Jessica. He's all yours." Officer Ricardo said, getting up.

He and her switched seats as he left the room and she sat down in front of me.

"Hi, Mr. Webster. I'm so sorry that you're here under these unfortunate circumstances, but I promise if you cooperate I'll make this process as smooth and easy as possible." Officer Jessica said.

"I wanna see my wife." I said, not looking at her.

"I know you do, but that's not possible right now."

"This ain't right. We ain't do nothing wrong. The cop that arrested us ain't even mirandize us. We wasn't told why we were arrested or nothing cause we ain't do nothing. Then all of a sudden they find drugs on us in a brand new car cause we black? That ain't right bruh. I feel racially profiled and I want to leave. My wife ain't ever did nothing wrong in her life. She don't deserve to be in hea. She pregnant with my twins and I know she probably scared out her mind. Can y'all please release her?" I asked.

Officer Jessica was a black woman so I knew that she would sympathize with a brother.

"Mr. Webster, I believe you but here is the thing. We looked at your record and you have a history of drug charges that you never got arrested for. There are also multiple warrants out for your arrest. You look like a very nice man. A man that takes well care of himself and that has money so with that being said since they didn't mirandize you what I'm about to say is off the record. Since you're a black man these white cops are going to do everything they can to bury you."

As if on cue Officer Jessica and I looked at the door and saw two white cops peering in from outside the window.

"I can't say much else right now until we move. So, cooperate with me and let me process you. While I'm doing that we can see what we can do moving forward, okay?"

"Aite." I said.

I cooperated with her and answered the questions on the computer that she had for me. She then started taking my things like my belt, coat, jacket, shoelaces, gold chain, and wedding ring. After that she took me in another room to get my fingerprint and mugshot done. While we were in there we continued the conversation.

"Since I have a history can I make a deal?" I asked.

"What deal are you trying to make?" Officer Jessica asked.

"I'll stay here and let y'all keep me if y'all release my wife. Let her go because she's innocent. I don't care what y'all do with me, but let her go."

Hearing the desperation in my voice, Officer Jessica looked at me sympathetically.

"If you make that deal you know that you're giving them permission to burn you alive, right?"

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