Time For War •2•

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I sat in the waiting room with Mal watching her pace back and forth. I knew that she was an emotional wreck but there was nothing we could do until the doctor came out with news about Kierra.

"Mal, would you please sit down? You giving me a headache bruh."

Malaysia snapped her head in my direction.

"I'm sorry but you don't know how it feels to have to sit here and wait while your significant other is fighting for their life."

Standing up, I looked at her.

"Bruh, did you forget about how many fucking times Karen and I been back and forth in this damn hospital? I went through getting shot by gang members, she went through a fainting spell that could have killed her while being pregnant with my daughter because of us bringing her alter out. We've been in and out of here so much I know they tired of our ass. So how you gon stand there and tell me I don't know what it likes to feel pain?"

"Look, I'm sorry okay? I'm just stressing out. S-She's not supposed to be here. I want to kill that bitch! She did this to her." Malaysia cried.

"Yo, K is already ahead of you. She gon' handle dis shit. As fah you I just need you to calm down and let God fight your battles." I said.

Malaysia shook her head as she sat down in the chair next to me. Her leg bounced up and down aggressively as she and I waited for someone to come out and alert us.

Before anything else could happen the hospital doors opened and J Drew, Chaz, Jay, and my daughters came through the door and rushed over to us.

"Mal." Chaz said, rushing over to Malaysia.

Malaysia stood up and hugged Chaz as she cried into his chest. Watching him comfort Malaysia I showed my attention to the others.

"What are y'all doing here?" I asked, hugging Kendasha.

"We couldn't stay home daddy. Ki is here in the hospital. Is she okay?"

"We don't know yet. Pray for your big sister though. God will hear you. He got her in his arms." I said.

Seeing Kiyomi and Khari with tears in their eyes, I pulled them both into a hug. J Drew came over to me and it was clear that he was pissed off.

"Bruh, where this Noelle bitch live at?"

"Don't worry, bruh. Ya mama and aunties already on they way there. They gon' handle it. Our job is to be hea' fah Ki. I know you upset. We all are, but ya needa channel that anger elsewhere." I said.

"All I know is she better be okay or else shit gon get poppin." J Drew said, flaring his nose.

Kendasha sat down in the waiting chair as Kiyomi and Khari joined her. I said a silent prayer before seeing a doctor come from the back.

"Family of Kierra Sheard!" The doctor announced.

Everyone got up and went over to the male doctor. He looked taken aback seeing so many of us. Almost as if he'd never seen so many black people in one place.

"Uh, are you her relative or?"

"We're all family." I said.

"Oh, okay. Well, I'm Aaron Mitchell. I'm Kierra's doctor. As you all know Kierra suffered a severe case of arsenic poisoning. We were able to get it out of her system but it did however leave some effects on her body."

"Like what? Just give it to us straight doc." J Drew said.

"Well, she'll have to undergo Chelation therapy. Chelation therapy is a medical procedure that involves the administration of chelating agents to remove heavy metals from the body. She'll also have to undergo chemotherapy." Dr. Mitchell said.

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