Better Days

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It'd been 72 hours since I'd seen or had any contact with my family. I knew that the fam was working tirelessly to get me out, but the cops wasn't making it easy for a nigga. Today was my court date and I knew without a doubt in my mind dat God was on a nigga side. I knew dat he would come through fah me. I just had to hold fast.

I sat in the room and waited fah my lawyer to come through. Hearing a knock on the door, I looked up and saw Twinkie and my lawyer come through the door.

"Ayo, Twink. Wassum?" I said, standing up.

Twinkie chuckled as she hugged me.

"Hi, Dave. How are you holding up?"

"A nigga strong and got God so I'm making it. Hey, Mr. Cox. How you doing?" I asked.

"I'm doing good, Mr. Webster. I'm glad to see you're holding up well. Today is the big court date. No matter what happens I want you to know that I'm going to do everything I can to make sure you're free." Matthew said.

"I really appreciate it."

"I know we have a few minutes, but can I have a moment alone with Dave Matt?" Twinkie asked.

"Sure thing, I'll be right outside the door." Matthew said.

Watching him leave out, I looked at Twinkie as she turned and faced me.

"Dave, I first want to start by saying how proud of you I am. Even in the midst of everything that's going on you've held firm to your faith and it hasn't wavered. That just shows me that God is doing something mighty inside you."

"Fasho, without God I'd be somewhere dead Twink. I know sometimes things happen that are beyond our control but it's all apart of a plan. Whatever God's plan is behind dis I'm all fah it. I'm just tryna be a strong soldier in the army of da Lord." I said.

Twinkie chuckled at my last words.

"You're well on your way there. Keep holding on and keep believing. All it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed. I've been praying nonstop since Karen told me about the whole ordeal. It's been three days and I finally have peace in my spirit about this. I believe God is going to work a miracle."

"I'm holding on to dat word. I know he not gon' let me down." I said.

"We're all here to support you. Matthew doesn't know much about the judge that will be handling your case today, but what he does know is that it's a male and he's a black man."

Nodding my head, I rubbed my chin as I took in Twinkie's words.

"Yo.... you said everyone out there fah a nigga. Is my wife here?" I asked.

"She is, but...."

"But what?" I asked.

Sighing, Twinkie looked at me sympathetically.

"She's here, but they wouldn't let her back here. So, she's going to be sitting in the courtroom behind us."

I couldn't believe they was tryna keep me from my wife. Seeing the look on my face, Twinkie spoke.

"It's okay, all that matters is that she is here. She's here and you'll be able to see her. Now, put your focus on what's important and let's get this done."

Sighing, I nodded my head realizing she was right. The door opened and Matthew stuck his head in.

"The judge is ready to see us now."

"Are you ready?" Twinkie asked.

"Let's do it." I said, heading out after her.

As we made our way inside the courtroom my heart skipped a beat seeing my wife sitting on the side of the defense. She looked so beautiful.

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