Don't Leave Me

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A week had passed since my breakdown and I still felt somewhat depressed, but life had to go on. Dorinda came in my room and sat on the edge of my bed with Jacky right behind her.

"How are you feeling?" Dorinda asked.

"Like death, but I know that I can't just lay down and die. I have to keep living for my children. I just wish that I didn't have to do this by myself."

"You don't." Jacky said, grabbing my hand. I sniffled as I looked at the floor.

"She's right. You have support all around you. We're not leaving you. Especially because we know that you need us. We've got your back 10,000 percent." Dorinda assured me.

I wiped the tears that threatened to fall from my eyes as I took a breath. Jacky looked at me with eyes of sympathy.

"I'm going to ask you something, and I don't want you to get mad or upset. I just want to know."


"Have you thought about dating since Dave passed?" Jacky asked.

"Honestly? No. I haven't and I don't think I will ever again. I don't want a man unless it's Dave."

Jacky and Dorinda looked at me sympathetically.

"So, you'll never date again?" Jacky asked.

"Never. I don't care how long it's been I'm not going to see anyone else. I don't have time for anyone else. I don't want anyone else. I'm going to stay a widow."

"In the letter Dave gave you he said that he'd be happy when you found someone else to love."

"Dave was stupid and selfish when he wrote that letter, because if he really knew me at all he'd known that he's the only one that I will ever love. So, no. I don't want anyone else but him." I sniffled.

"Okay, you don't have to date anyone but you at least need a male friend. One that you can talk to. I know a man if you're open to seeing him." Jacky said.

Looking away from her, I looked down at the floor as she rubbed my leg. She got a text on her phone and by the look on her face I knew that it was Jay.

"Karen, I have to go but consider what I said. If you want to meet him I can text you his name and number. I love you." Jacky said, kissing my cheek.

She stood up then made her way out the room. I stayed quiet as Dorinda looked at me. I could tell by the look on her face that she wanted to say something about what Jacky had just mentioned.

"Don't." I sniffled.

"Karen, I just-"

"No, don't." I said, cutting her off.

"I think she's right. It's not good for you to be alone like this. I know that you love Dave. I know that you'll never love any other man but Dave, but it doesn't hurt to make a new friend. We all can be here for you as long as and whenever you want us to but we both know that there are times when you push us away and don't want to talk to anyone. In those times when you don't talk to us you need to talk to someone else. I think you should meet with him."

"Dorinda, you know that I-"

"I know that you're not ready to date. I know that. I do. I'm not saying that you have to date the man. I'm sure Jacky has told him all about your situation. Maybe he's not looking to date. Maybe he just wants to be a friend and a listening ear. I think you should give him that. At least meet the man and see what his vibe is like. If you don't like it or him leave, but if you do then go forward. That's all I'm saying." Dorinda said.

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