•2• Vacation Tea

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I got up and went back over to my seat. Dave put his dick back up and zipped up his pants.

"That was so good bae. I needed dat shit." Dave said, slapping my ass before I sat back down.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it daddy. I'm gonna go to sleep now." I said, taking the blanket out of my duffel bag.

I threw it over me before closing my eyes. Of course, I wasn't going to go to sleep instead I needed to have a conversation with my alters because something funny was going on and it needed to be addressed. I knew that Grace, Poppy, Kinsley, and the twins Nora and Nova were exempt. So, I called Quinn, Harlow, and Inez to the table.

"Oh, look who decided to let us the fuck out of our cages. What brings you by Karen?" Quintella asked.

"Look, I won't be staying long I just have a question and I know that you three know something so spill and don't keep anything from me."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Quintella asked.

"I'm talking about these dreams I've been having about Maurice. What the hell is that about?" I asked.

"Dreams about what?"

"Don't act dumb. You're apart of my subconscious so you know exactly what dreams I'm talking about." I said.

"Fine, I think it's time she knows the truth." Inez said.

"I wouldn't tell her if I were you. She's not good at holding things in. I'm telling you...."

"Tell her!" Harlow said.

"Fine..." Inez trailed.

"Okay? So, what the hell happened?"

"You fucked Smoke." Inez said.

"I did NOT fuck anyone other than my husband. What are you saying?" I asked.

"Alright, you right.... you didn't fuck him. I fucked him."

"Inez, what the fuck are you saying to me right now? You used my body to fuck my sister's fiancé? If you fucked him we fucked him because you're apart of me you dumb bitch!" I snapped.

Inez looked at me and so did Quintella. They didn't say anything because they knew they were in trouble. Instead Harlow spoke.

"Am I allowed to speak?"

"Harlow, all I want to know is why? Not even why but when? When did this happen? What type of shit did you all get me into?" I asked.

"It wasn't my idea. It wasn't Quinn either. This one was all Inez. Remember how depressed you were when you thought Dave was dead for those sixteen years? Well, our job is to protect you. We hated seeing you like that just as much as your family did. So, one night Dorinda sent Smoke over to come check on you one night. You were drunk and he'd been drinking too. So, you... she, Inez she initiated it. Inez kissed him and he kissed you back. Next thing we know he has you bent over fucking your brains out with your legs behind your head. You went a total of nine rounds. The reason you don't remember is because she blinded you and threw you in the trunk. So, your memory stops with you drinking then falling asleep but he definitely made you feel good that night." Harlow explained.

I put my face in my hands as I began to cry. I couldn't believe she'd done this. How could she have been so stupid as to think that her doing this would benefit me at all. This wasn't the first time they'd gotten me into a situation I couldn't explain.

One time I almost got thrown in jail because I was at a nighclub and this girl and I got into an argument. I ended up throwing her through the glass window cutting up her face and fracturing her back in three places. Quintella had completely taken over that night.

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