Untold Truth •2•

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Karen and I went to Kiyomi's room and saw her in there dancing along to the music. I knocked on the door making her turn her music down.

"Yo, Yomi there's something mama and I need to tell you. Take a seat on the bed." I said.

Karen closed the door as she stood behind me.

"Is it about my pregnancy? If it is I don't want to hear it. I'm having my baby." Kiyomi said.

"It is about the baby and the father of it. First of all, you need to know that I love you very much and it's because I love you that I feel you need to know the truth." Karen said.

"What truth? What are you talking about?"

"Tell her baby." Karen said.

"Babygirl, Carlos isn't who you think he is. Carlos ya big brother." I said.

Kiyomi's face dropped as she looked at me, and stood up.

"Is this some kind of sick joke? Did mom put you up to this?" Kiyomi asked.

"Nah, ya mama ain't got shit to do with it. I know you feeling a little confused but-"

"A little? A little?! Dad, she's upset because I got pregnant by an older man so she'll say anything to ruin my life. She wakes up from a damn coma and she suddenly thinks she can run my life? NO! You're the one that's been here for me NOT her! Since we want to spill secrets and fuck people's lives up did mom tell you she's pregnant again, this time with triplets?" Kiyomi said.

Karen smacked Kiyomi making my eyes widen. She'd never put her hands on any of our kids before. Kiyomi looked at Karen with tears in her eyes.

"I know that you're upset, but you will not disrespect me, ever. Do you understand me?" Karen asked.

Kiyomi folded her arms as she continued to cry.

"Dave, now that the secret's out I was going to tell you, but our daughter beat me to it. We're having triplets.... more girls."

"Baby, why you ain't te-" Karen cut me off quickly.

"We can talk about this later. Right now what's important is getting Kiyomi to a clinic and getting her an abortion because this is NOT about to happen."

"NO! I am not aborting my baby. Daddy, tell her.... tell her that she can't make me do anything. Tell her that this is my body and this is my choice. Daddy, please?" Kiyomi cried, holding on to my arm.

Hearing the pain in her voice hurt a nigga, but bae was right. This couldn't happen. We had to end it.

"I'm sorry Yomi, but ya mama right. We gotta stop this shit at the root. It can't go on. I love you and so does ya moms. She's doing what's best for you you gotta believe that."

"What's best for me? Neither of you know what the fuck is best for me!" Kiyomi yelled.

"I know you upset, but watch yo fucking mouth when you talk to us. We ain't one of yo lil friends. Now, I know ya mad, but we doing what's best for you. There will be other boys ya own age who aren't family. I know you think you in love, but it's not love at all. It's deception and the sooner you see it the better." I said.

"Ugh, I hate it here! I wish I was NEVER BORN!"

Watching her storm out the room, I palmed my face then rubbed it before turning to look at Karen.

"What the fuck are we gon' do? We really about to make our seventeen year old daughter have an abortion? You know this gon' fuck her up mentally, right?" I asked.

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