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Leaving the house, I drove Karen and I to the DMV early dat morning around 7:30am. She was quiet the whole way. Part of me knew it was because she was still sleepy, but the other part knew dat it was because she had something heavy on her mind. I wanted to know what it was.

"Bae, you ready to talk now? You been quiet the whole ride."

"Babe..... I'm fine. I'm just tired. I didn't get much sleep last night from all the tossing and turning I did." Karen said.

"Jewel used to say det when you tossing and turning in ya sleep it's usually caused by stress or something like that. What's got ya stressing out?" I asked.

Karen didn't say anything. She just looked out the window instead. Sighing, I decided to pull over. I parked the car on the side of the street and looked at her.

"We not finna do dis shit."

"Do what?" Karen asked, not making eye contact with me.

"This keeping secrets thing. That's why our marriage almost ended in the first place because there were too many secrets and not enough truth being revealed. That day in the hospital we made a pact that we would start over and tell each other everything no matter how ugly or uncomfortable it might be. You not holding ya side of the bargain up." I said.

Karen sniffled as she kept her head down. Grabbing her chin softly, I made her look into my eyes.

"Whatever it is we will get through it, I promise."

"Are you sure you want to know what it is?" Karen sniffled.

"Tell me."

She took a deep breath before speaking.

"Remember that night I was moaning in my sleep?"

"I do." I said.

"Well, I had a sex dream about um.... about Smoke." Karen admitted.

I stared at her silently as I let her chin go.

"I know, please don't look at me like that. I know. I don't know why or what even triggered it. I don't even think about him in that way. I don't know what caused it baby please just.... just look at me." Karen cried.

Rubbing my chin, I continued my silence for a few moments before looking at her.

"What happened in the dream?" I asked.

"Baby, please don't make me answer that."

"No, I wanna know. What were y'all doing in the dream?" I asked.

Karen continued to cry as she looked down.

"He ate me out."

"He had his mouth on my pussy?" I asked.

Karen sniffled as she nodded her head yes. Reaching over, I let her seat back before asking her another question.

"How did he eat you?"

"Baby, can we please not-" I cut her off.

"Bae, tell me what I want to know."

"What is the point in all this?" Karen asked.

"Just answer the question." I said.

Sighing, Karen shook her head as she continued to look down.

"Fine, he-"

"Wait." I said, undoing my seatbelt.

I got out the car then went over to her side of the car. I opened her door before speaking.

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