Time For War •1•

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Arriving to the hospital, Dave stopped at the emergency entrance then hopped out as he ran inside the hospital to get help. I sat in the back with Kierra and Malaysia as I cried and prayed. I knew that I had to be strong for her. So, I managed to muster up enough strength to pull myself together.

"Oh my God, oh My God! She's not breathing!" Malaysia panicked.

"Mal, stop! Look, at me. Look!" I yelled.

She forced herself to look at me as she cried.

"I don't care what it looks like and I don't care what happens between now and the time she's taken to the back she's going to be fine."

"But she's not-"I cut her off once more.

"What did I just say?" I asked.

"S-She's going to be fine." Malaysia cried.

"Good, now have faith."

Malaysia's door was opened as a doctor and a few nurses took Kierra out of the backseat with us and put her on a gurney. She was then rushed into the hospital. Getting out the car, Malaysia ran inside with her. Standing there, I cried into my hands as Dave came around back to me.

He didn't say anything. He just simply pulled me into him and let me cry into his chest. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I sobbed. He held me tightly before kissing my head then looking into my eyes.

"Ma, I know ya hurting right now but what you wanna do? I could get my gang to pay her a visit or-"

"N-No, I don't want you in this one. This one... I need to handle on my own. No Quintella. No gang. Just me and my vengeance."

"Bae, are you sure you can handle this?" Dave asked.

"Listen to me. This family has been through so much. First Drew completely blindsided everyone and wrecked shop. Then Ghost came into the picture and tried to destroy everything and everyone in his path. Now, Noelle? No. No! The days of people getting over on this family are over. I've had it! I'm so done! I want to handle this on my own." I said, wiping tears from my eyes.

"If you don't want me getting involved at least take Dorinda with you. So, if things get crazy you'll have some backup."

"Babe, no. I can't get her involved either because she's pregnant. I'm not about to do that."

"Well, then you gon have to figure out something else because I swear if you go alone and that bitch does something crazy to you I'm going to jail for murder. So, we gon' have to do something else because my main job is making sure you safe at all cost." Dave said.

"You don't think I can handle her on my own?" I asked.

"Baby, you ain't never been one to fight except when provoked, but even in that Quintella is the one dat fights all yo battles fah you. You ain't ever done shit violent unless I'm missing something here."

"We've been married for awhile now so I think it's time that I reveal the truth to you." I said.

"Aite.... I'm listening."

"Okay, so back when I was about nine years old I would sit in my room and just go over things in my head that I wanted to do to people that hurt me. This was before Quintella or any of my alters  came into play. I said that I would kill anyone that tried to hurt me and get away with it and I meant it too with my whole heart. One day in particular mama decided to take all of us to the park to play. I wanted to go on the slide so I got on it and attempted to go down but one girl in particular made me fall and everyone started laughing. So, after my turn was over I went back on the slide since it was her turn and everyone had gone. I walked up behind her and threw her down the slide making her break her leg, her arm was broken in three places, and she shattered her wrist. Everyone called it a freak accident, but that was the day that I knew my anger would be my downfall."

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