The Ultimatum

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I sat in the hospital room with Kendasha as she held my hand and waited patiently for Dave to come back. Seeing the door open, Dorinda walked in and came over to us.

"Karen, you and I need to talk later. As for you pretty girl how's my beautiful niece doing?"

"I'm okay Auntie Doe. I really wanna go home." Kendasha admitted.

"Do you know why you're here babygirl?" Dorinda asked.

Kendasha looked down shamefully, but Dorinda grabbed her chin softly and made her look into her eyes.

"It's okay, Kenny. This is a no judgement zone. We won't judge you at all. We love you very much. Do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am." Kendasha sniffled.

There was a moment of silence as Dorinda and I waited.

"I'm here because I tried to end my life. I took two bottles of pills and slit my wrist. Who found me?"

"I did baby. The Holy Spirit led me to your room and just in the nick of time." Dorinda said.

Sniffling, Kendasha's eyes watered as she looked at us.

"I'm so sorry mama and auntie. I don't know why I did it. I was just tired.... I wanted to be with daddy." Kendasha sniffled, tears falling down her face.

"Babygirl, don't apologize for being human. It's okay." I said, wiping her tears from her eyes.

Dorinda took her hand and held it.

"You're not alone Kenny. I had one of those human moments too when my mother passed away only instead of pills and a razor mine involved a bridge. But God saw fit to keep us here for a reason and for a purpose. We're still here and it's by the grace of God. I want you to know Kendasha that auntie loves you so much. You're never alone. Anytime you feel like the world is becoming too much to bear just call my phone and I'll be right there. Any time, I don't care if it's morning, noon, or night. No matter the time. Call me and I'll be right there, do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am." Kendasha sniffled.

"I love you baby."

"I love you too." Kendasha said, hugging Dorinda.

Dorinda kissed her head as she held her tight.

I wiped the tears that threatened to fall from my eyes as I watched their interaction.

"I know she wants to come home, but they have to keep her for 72hrs to do evaluation and make sure she's okay. We just have to be patient and wait."

"I know the same thing happened with me, but those three days will fly by in no time. Continue being the strong warrior that I know your mother birthed you to be. You got this." Dorinda said, brushing her hair.

Dorinda continued holding her tight as she and I made eye contact.

"We need to talk about Dave." Dorinda mouthed to me.

"I know, I know..." I trailed.

Things went quiet for a moment until I heard yelling coming from outside the door.

"Kiyomi, no! Put it down!" I heard Jacky yell.

Opening the door of the room, I ran out there to see Kiyomi holding a knife to Dave with tears down her face. Khari looked as though she'd be sick and Jacky was holding her back from actually stabbing him.

"Kiyomi, put the knife down please?" Jacky asked.

"What in the world is going on?" I asked.

"All of this time.... we thought you were dead. I always wondered what you looked like. I had dreams of one day meeting you, and hugging you. I thought we could be a family and get a daddy daughter relationship going, but now that I've actually met you I realize how much I hate you!" Kiyomi yelled with tears in her eyes.

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