Time For War •3•

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"Kare Bear, what's wrong with you? You look like you've just got some bad news." Dorinda said.

I broke down as I pulled over and hit the steering wheel. I released a few screams as I hit the steering wheel aggressively making them look at me weird.

"Karen, what in the world? What is it-"

"CANCER! Kierra has cancer!" I sobbed.

"W-What? What are you talking about?" Dorinda asked.

Jacky rubbed my shoulder trying to get me to calm down as they waited for me to explain. Twinkie also gave me her undivided attention.

"K-Kierra has cancer. D-Dave told me that the doctor found cancer and h-he said that it's because of her being p-poisoned. She was completely healthy and now she's..... she's dying?" I sobbed.

"Karen, calm down and listen to me. She is not going to die. If the doctor found it and caught it early then they can do something about it. Had they caught it too late then yes.... she might not have made it, but let the doctors do what they have to in order to save her life. This will be a hard journey, but she will make it through this." Jacky explained.

"I-I know but.... my whole point is she shouldn't be here in the first place. Kierra is such a sweetheart, and yet she's been through so much hell. Drew took her through so much turmoil then this Noelle bitch is completely ripping her life to shreds? No. No! I wish Kierra could have the strength to get this hoe back for everything, but since she doesn't I'm going to get her back for everything she did to my babygirl."

"K, are you sure that getting her now is the best idea? Maybe you should wait until you calm down." Twinkie suggested.

"NO! I want to get her, now! Right now when my rage is at its highest." I said, wiping my tears from my eyes.

"Karen is right. Let's do this shit. Karen, lets switch seats because you don't need to do shit until we get there so your anger can marinate through your pores. I'll drive the rest of the way."

Listening to Dorinda, I knew she was right. Her and I switched seats so she could drive us the rest of the way to our destination. Sitting there, my leg bounced up and down as tears came to my eyes. I couldn't believe my oldest was going through this.

She was so beautiful, courageous, and strong. She deserved to live a happy life without all the extra stress and drama added to her life. She was so sweet and kept to herself. She didn't bother anyone. Which was exactly why I was going to get Noelle for both of us. She'd fucked over the wrong bitches.

"Alright, we're here. Let's get this bitch." Dorinda said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I instantly jumped out the car and so did my sisters as I went to the trunk and yanked Noelle out by her hair and punched her in the face. She was still constricted and bound but it didn't make any difference to me.

I threw her to Dorinda who in return punched her and threw her to Jacky who also took a blow to her face. Jacky tossed her to Twinkie who punched her in the stomach making her fall to the ground. We took turns going back and forth beating the shit out of her.

I busted her lip and Dorinda blacked her eye hitting her so hard that she could barely see out of it. Jacky threw her to the ground as she started kicking her in the stomach. Twinkie then in return began to stomp her. Once I saw that she was where I wanted her I picked her up by her hair and began dragging her.

"Take that hoe to the river!" Dorinda yelled.

Dragging her by her hair, I dragged her to the dirtiest part of the river as I snatched the tape off her mouth before pushing her face into the water and holding her head down. She fought and kicked as she struggled to stay alive. She still had a little fight left in her which was clear.

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