Everything Happens For A Reason

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After Dave and I had our moment I changed his bandages and Jewel and I switched positions again so that I could be with Kierra, but before I could go back down there I met her in the hallway.

"Have you told him yet?" Jewel asked.

"Told him what?" I asked.

Jewel gave me the you know what I'm talking about look making me sigh.

"No, he doesn't know that we're expecting again. I haven't told him yet. How did you know?" I asked.

"Honey, you're been glowing from here to mars for the past three weeks. I know that Dave is injured so you two aren't having sex. That's the only logical explanation because you don't seem like the type to cheat on him." Jewel said.

"No, I wouldn't cheat on him. I plan on telling him... I just don't know when, yet. I made an appointment with my doctor to see what we're having tomorrow. Could you come with me?" I asked.

Jewel smiled at my question before nodding her head.

"I'd love to come with you. Who's going to watch Kierra and Dave though?"

"My sister Jacky is a nurse. I'll call her here and also my other sister Twinkie. I know they'll be fine because if they come Jacky will bring her boyfriend Jay and him and Dave are friends so they'll be okay." I said.

"Sounds good. Tomorrow will be great. Don't think about it too much. You'll be fine." Jewel said.

I thanked Jewel before making my way downstairs. I took my phone out and sent Jacky and Twinkie a group text letting them knowing that I needed them to do me a favor for tomorrow when they agreed I put my phone away. As I got downstairs I heard what sounded like screams of frustration and light crying making me hurry. I made my way into the living room and saw Kierra crying. She had some of her hair in her hand as she began to sob.

"Ki, baby. What's wrong?" I asked.

"It won't stop coming out. It won't stop." Kierra cried.

Realizing she was talking about her hair, I looked at Malaysia who had tears in her eyes and down her face. Closing my eyes, I asked the Holy Spirit to guide and lead me in this very moment. I knew this would be hard but it had to be done. I forced the tears that I was holding back cause I knew that I had to be strong for her.

"What do you want to do sweetheart?" I asked.

"Cut it. Cut it all off." Kierra cried.

I nodded my head before going into the bathroom and grabbing the clippers that Dave had stored in the cabinets. I took a moment as I stared in the mirror.

"God, please help me through this." I sniffled.

Wiping the tears from my eyes, I went back into the living room where Kierra was and plugged the clippers up next to the wall that was by her. Turning the clippers on, Kierra started crying into her hands. Malaysia held her hand as I slowly began to shave her head. With every piece that came off a part of my heart shattered. It took a few moments but once I finally finished shaving her head I turned the clippers off and handed Kierra a hand mirror. She looked at herself in the mirror and continued crying.

"Can I see the clippers please?" Malaysia asked, wiping the tears that fell down her face.

"Baby, what are you about to do?" Kierra asked.

I knew exactly why she wanted them. I looked at her as the tears I was holding fell down my face. She took the clippers out of her hand and began to shave her head. Watching Malaysia's gorgeous brunette locks hit the ground made my heart fold even more. Once she finished shaving her head she turned the clippers off. Kierra sobbed harder as Malaysia kissed her.

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