Put Her First

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"Hey, daddy. Do you need something?" Kendasha asked, coming in my bedroom.

"Hey, babygirl. Where's mommy?" I asked.

"Mama's downstairs with Ki and Mal. She's helping her change her clothes and give her medicine. Khari and Kiyomi are down there with them. Did you need anything? I can call G-ma up here to help you."

"Yeah, go get her please?" I asked. Kendasha nodded her head before running downstairs.

It had been three weeks since my surgery and I was still feeling like hell. Kierra had her first surgery so here we were in a house with two people who were down so of course baby had to call for back up, and that person just so happened to be my step moms Jewel. We'd moved her in and she was staying with us until everyone could get back on their feet. Even though my surgery was minor it was still a big thing so Karen spent majority of her time toggling back and forth between Kierra and I. Almost to the point where she left no time for herself and I ain't like that. So, I had Jewel help me most times. Even though Karen was my wife I needed her to rest and not overwork herself.

There was a knock on the door before Jewel appeared.

"Kenny, said that you needed something? What's going on?" Jewel asked

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"Kenny, said that you needed something? What's going on?" Jewel asked.

"I need help going to the bathroom, and I ain't ate today yet so a nigga need some food too."

"Alright, let's get you started then. Come on." Jewel grabbed my hand and helped me sit up.

Noticing the look of pain and discomfort on my face she looked at me.

"Do you think you can walk today? If not we can just use the blue bag solution."

"Nah, I need to get some type of stability back so I need to walk." I said.

"Okay, I'm going to help you walk there and then you can tell me what you want me to do and not do, okay?" Jewel asked.

I nodded my head okay. Holding onto her arm, I put most of my weight on her as she helped me walk to the bathroom. Once we got there she stood me up and looked at me. She tilted her head before proceeding to pull my pants down.


"David, shush. I changed your pampers when you were a baby. You don't have anything I haven't already seen before. Now let's get this done."

Realizing she was right, I let her undress my bottom before I turned around and held my dick so I could piss. Once I was done she flushed the toilet then helped me to the sink so I could wash my hands. I noticed the look on her face as she looked at my bandages.

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