•3• Truth Serum

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"I hope those DNA tests work out in your favor, you're a good man David. See you guys later." James said, walking out.

The room fell deadly silent as Karen looked at me with tears in her eyes and Smoke turned red as a tomato.

"DNA tests..... yo, what the fuck? What the fuck he talkin bout?" I asked.


"Hello? I know you heard me, answer my fucking question. What damn DNA tests is he talkin bout?" I questioned again for the second time.

Twinkie was the first to stand up.

"Um, I think it's best if you guys talk about this in private so I'm going to go."

"Nah, Twink. I think it's best you stay sis cause sum telling me you knew bout this shit too. Ya wanna tell me what I wanna know since it seem like a cat got they tongue." I said.

"David, with all due respect it's not my place to air out my sister's business like that. I know you're her husband but still.... that's my sister and yeah. I'm not going to put myself in the middle of anything. Now, with that being said.... Karen, tell this man what he wants to know. Enough secrets have been withheld. It's time to shine the light on the situation. I know you're scared but not telling him when James has already said something will only make things worse. Tell him." Twinkie said.

Hearing those words, Karen began breaking down.

"Okay, o-okay.... I'll tell you. First, baby I just want to start by saying how much I love you. I love you so much and I-"

"Cut the shit. Get straight to the point. Are those my seeds you carrying or my homie's?" I asked.

Karen dropped her head as she continued to cry.

"I don't know." She whispered.

"What? Say it louder."

"I said I don't know Dave. I don't. I don't know who's kids I'm carrying, there. Are you happy?" Karen asked, crying into her hands.

I went quiet as I looked at her. I felt my temperature slowly rising like a kettle of tea that was about to explode. Smoke quickly walked over to me.

"Bruh, whatever you do don't get silent. Speak.... let the shit out, but don't go mute. When you go quiet you get lethal and you get dangerous nigga. Whatever you need to say get it off yo chest."

I stayed mute as I looked at him. I stared at him quietly for about five minutes giving him dead silence then looked at Karen.

"Baby, please say something. Anything. Please, I'm begging you. Just talk to me, please?" She cried, putting her hand on my face.

I removed her hand from my face feeling hot tears come to my eyes. I bawled my lip up as I sniffled then walked out the room. I heard her crying and Smoke yell something out followed by the words; 'I'm fucked' as I continued walking. I went upstairs to Dorinda's room.

I knocked on her door as I wiped tears from my eyes. I knocked a few more times before she opened the door.

"Dave, what's wrong? You look like you've been crying. What happened?" Dorinda asked, grabbing my hand.

She pulled me into her room by my hand and closed her door. We sat on her bed as she wiped the tears from my eyes then softly turned my face towards her direction so that we was face to face.

"What happened down there? Talk to me."

"I tried D..... I really did. I tried to forgive I really wanted to, then I find out that my kids that I thought were mine might not be mine after all."

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