No Idea

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It'd been two and a half hours and still no word from a doctor, a nurse, or anyone and I was starting to lose it.

"Dorinda, something is wrong! We should have heard something by now."  Dorinda grabbed my hand, stopping me from pacing.

"We've already prayed Karebear. Everything is fine. I'm sure we'll hear something in a minute. Just be patient."

"It's been almost three hours. I've been patient long enough." I snatched away from her and stormed to the receptionist desk.

The woman behind the counter jumped as she looked at me.

"Ma'am, what is your problem?"

"My problem is that my daughter was rushed in here two and a half hours and I haven't heard a word since. Tell me what the hell is going on with my child!" I yelled.

"Karen!" Dr. Vanessa yelled. Walking away from the counter, I walked over to where she was.

"Vanessa.... please tell me something. I'm losing my damn mind."

"Well, I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want first?"

"Just give it to me straight Vanessa." I said.

"Okay, we were able to pump her stomach and get all of the pills out of her system, but the bad news is that she's slipped into a coma. Also the police are here. They want to question you about the investigation they're doing." Dr. Vanessa said.

Looking at her confused, I shook my head not understanding.

"Investigation- what? Why are they doing an investigation?"

"Because of how severe her suicide attempt was. They couldn't get her to breathe for almost twenty minutes which leads them to believe that something led to her doing this or someone put her up to it." Dr. Vanessa explained.

I looked at her silently for a moment trying to contain my anger.

"Vanessa, no one put her up to anything. She's been going through a lot with the passing of her father. You know just as well as anyone else how close they were. So instead of questioning me and my parenting skills how about you go back there and do everything you can to keep my daughter alive. I've had it up to here. I can't take anymore." I warned her.

Nodding her head sympathetically, Dr. Vanessa made her way back to the back. I ran my hands through my hair as tears welled up in my eyes. It felt like I couldn't catch a break.

Dorinda pulled me into a hug as Kierra ran through the doors with Khari and Kiyomi.

"Mama, how is she?" Kierra asked.

"She's in a coma Ki. I wish it was me and not her laying in that bed." I sniffled.

"Shhh, mama she's going to be okay. I'm so sorry this happened." Kierra said, pulling me into a hug.

I cried on her shoulder before wiping my eyes and realizing Malaysia was standing by the door. She looked as though she'd be sick.

"Mal, what's wrong?" She began to cry as she walked up to me.

"I'm so sorry. T-This is my fault. Things should have never got this far." Malaysia cried.

Dorinda, Kierra, and I all looked at her confused.

"Malaysia.... what are you talking about? What did you do?" Kierra asked.

Malaysia shook her head as she walked up to me.

"There's something I've been needing to tell you it's been weighing heavy on my conscience for awhile. Now that Kenny is here I think it's time you know the truth." Malaysia sniffled.

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