What The Hell?

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"Would now be a good time to tell y'all that I'm pregnant?" Kiyomi asked.

Kiyomi's words echoed through my ears as I went completely silent and looked at all of them. I looked at Dave, then Kendasha, and Khari as I began to chuckle. It wasn't a humorous chuckle. It was a pissed the hell off chuckle.

"Lori, can you and Lauren go home? My family and I need to have a family moment." Khari said.

"Alright, call me later babe. Come on Lauren let's go home." Lori kissed Khari's lips making me laugh even harder.

I was laughing so hard I was practically bent over. I was so pissed off I felt my heart accelerating.

"Bae, before you blow calm down.... I'm just as shocked and pissed off as you are so I really think dat-"

"Shut up! Shut the hell up! Dave, what have you been doing for the past year? Obviously not watching our girls like you should. You've been too busy putting tattoos on hoes to pay attention to our children? Is that it?" I asked.

Dave tilted his head as he looked at me.

"What I tell ya bout using that tone with me? Don't make me take you back in the bedroom and put you in yo place." I scoffed at his words.

"You're thinking about sex right now, REALLY? Sex is what got our seventeen year old daughter pregnant in the first place!"

"Mama, I know you're upset but Yomi is sorry. She didn't know how to tell you, and I tried telling her not to have sex, but she doesn't listen to anyone." Kendasha said.

"Oh, is that right? Kiyomi, who's the father?" I asked.

Kiyomi stood behind Khari not wanting to answer me. I laughed softly as I looked at her.

"Khari, I know that Kiyomi is your twin but this time you can't save her. Now, Yomi either you tell me what I want to know willing or I'm going to beat it out of you, but the choice is yours. You have ten seconds."

"Daddy, I'm sorry. Please, help me." Kiyomi said, running over to Dave.

"Ten...." I counted.

"Yomi, if I were you I'd just tell mama what she wants to know. She's not playing with you."

"Kenny, shut up!" Kiyomi yelled.


"Hey, don't yell at yo big sister. You the one dat got yo ass in dis shit. Blame yourself." Dave said.


"Khari, I thought you said that you would protect me? What happened to twin tuition? You said you had my back." Kiyomi said.


"Yomi, I can't protect you from mama and daddy. You know how she is when she's angry. Just tell her what she wants to know. Everything will be okay." Khari said.

"Six..." I continued.

"No one can save you. You knew dat dis would happen. It's better ya mama discipline you than me."

"Five, four, three, two..... Kiyomi Mariah Webster, I swear before the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost if I get to one and you still haven't told me what I want to know I'm sending you to meet Jesus early. I brought you into this world and I will gladly take you out. I'm not playing with you." I warned her.

Kiyomi stood there still not saying anything. I nodded my head okay before saying the last number.

"One. Alright. Okay. I'm going to show you." I walked out of the room and went into the big closet that was in the hallway.

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