•1• Test of Salvation

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"Dave, babe. Do you got everything? We're going to be late if we don't leave now." I said, walking out the house.

"Yeah, I got everything bae. Let's go before I make us late on purpose." Dave said, licking his lips.

I chuckled as I got in my new blue 2021 Tesla Model Y that Dave bought me as a just because gift. We were headed to the church we'd been attending for three weeks now. Kiyomi, Khari, and Kendasha was already there with Kierra, Malaysia, and Dorinda.

Dave got in on the passenger's side and put his seatbelt on. I prayed for safe travels before we pulled off. It was funny how we'd been through a lot in the past three weeks since first visiting the mega church. We loved our first visit so much that we became members after the service. The Bishop was a black older man in the middle of his 70's. He had a wife and two daughters. They were literally the sweetest people ever. They had us on the first go round. They were so sweet to us and made us feel like family.

Looking over at Dave, I smiled as he held my right hand and kissed it as I drove down the street. I was so proud of him. He'd really done a 360 since we'd been attending church. I smirked as a memory flashed through my mind.


I sat in the living room with Kiyomi and her boyfriend Frankie as we got acquainted and I got to know him better.

"So, Frankie I'm going to get right down to it. What's your intentions with my daughter?" I asked.

"Your daughter is really sweet, Mrs. Webster. I like her very much. She's helped me break down walls that I held up so high for many years. I never thought that I could feel this way about anyone let alone someone younger than me." Frankie said.

Kiyomi smiled as Frankie grabbed her hand and held it.

"That's sweet. Is she your first girlfriend?"

"Uh, no ma'am. I had one other but she's the reason why I built my walls up so high. She was my father's friend's daughter. She was older than me but she reminded me of what my parents took me through in the past." Frankie said.

"Kiyomi told me that you and your siblings were mistreated by your parents I'm sorry that happened to you and them. You seem like a sweet young man." I said.

"Thank you, Mrs. Webster. I didn't see it at first but once I went through it I realized that God was trying to make me a strong soldier that's why he took me through so much at a young age. Now that I'm older I'm completely invested in him and nothing and no one can persuade me otherwise."

"God? Are you a Christian Frankie?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am, I am. Saved, Sanctified, and Fire Baptized."

A smiled formed on my face as I looked at Kiyomi.

"Yomi, why didn't you tell me that your boyfriend was a man of God?"

"I don't know.... I didn't want you to look at him weird for having been through so much so I left some things out purposely." Kiyomi said.

"I'm not judgmental you know this Yomi." I said.

"Mrs. Webster, if I can be honest with you the reason why I chose your daughter is because I really think she's the one for me. When we met God shined a light on her and I fell speechless. It wasn't her beauty that captivated me it was the fact that God's light shined on her so radiantly. I know that this is sudden but I really believe she is supposed to be my wife."

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