Never Give Up •1•

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A few days had passed since I'd made the decision to leave and not be in the house with my family for the sake of peace. I'd bought out an Airbnb fah the time being since I couldn't live in the house with my babies. I still kept in contact with Karen and Kendasha everyday, but I knew that actually seeing her and taking the risk of having Khari and Kiyomi hate her more wasn't worth it. So, I kept the distance.

But today I had some things to get done and some people to see. Pulling out my phone, I made a call and waited.

"Hello?" Kierra said, picking up on the third ring.

I'd gotten a new number so she didn't know that it was me.

"Hey, Ki. It's Dave."

She went silent as she held the phone. I knew that I had to talk and get her to understand me.

"Look, Kierra I know that you don't want to talk to me, but I owe you an apology and an explanation so if you could meet with me at my place that I'm staying at right now in an hour I'd be so grateful."

Kierra remained silent.

"Ki, please? Please, just hear me out." I said.

She held her silence for a moment more before speaking.

"Send me the address."

"Thank you Ki." She ended the call as I dialed up another number.

"Hey baby." Karen said, answering.

"Hey, bae. I invited Ki over my place so I can talk to her. Do you mind coming too? I'm gon' invite Malaysia too so we can get this shit sorted out. You good with that?" I asked.

"Yeah, baby that's fine. Kendasha is over at Dorinda's and the twins are shopping with their friends."

"Did you drop them off at the mall?" I asked.

"Yeah, I dropped them off. I might have to leave early to go pick them up, but once I put on my clothes then I'll be on my way."

"You won't have to pick them up." I said.

"What do you mean?" Karen asked.

"You'll know soon. I love you bae. I'll see you soon."

"I love you too daddy." Karen said, ending the call.

I sent my address to Kierra then texted Malaysia. Pulling out the driveway, I headed to the place that I needed to be. Once I got there I parked my car in the front then got out. I walked into the building and was instantly greeted.

"Mr. Webster, it's good to see you. If you will follow me I'll take you right to it."

"Thank you Bill." I smiled, then followed him.

Walking out to the open parking lot, I smiled widely seeing it was exactly how I'd told him I wanted it.

"Do you think they'll like it?" Bill asked.

"I think they will love it. Thank you fah coming through fah a nigga Bill." I dapped him up.

I handed him a band of stacks and he handed me the keys in return. Pulling out my phone, I called Smoke and asked him to meet me. He came within twenty minutes.

"Bruh, Ima look gay riding in this shit."

"But we both know you not. Yo baby on the way proves that. Now help a nigga out. Do you know where they at?" I asked.

"Yeah, I heard Doe and Kendasha overtalking about where they'd be. Just trail me foo." Smoke said.

"Bet. When we get there I want you to park somewhere far cause I wanna walk them to it."

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