Fertile Queen

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Dave and I sat in the hospital room as Vanessa examined his dick with her gloves on. The look of pain on my baby's face broke my heart, but I knew that he would be okay.

"Mmm.... yeah. Well, it's definitely fractured. You know this can be fixed either one or two ways." Dr. Vanessa said.

"I'm listening."

"Either you can get a surgery or I can give you some medicine, put you on bedrest, and you can heal the longer way." Dr. Vanessa said.

"Which one would you prefer?" I asked.

"Well, honestly it's up to Dave. The surgery would be the quicker way, but the healing process is the downfall. If you were to take the natural way you'll be looking at a total of six weeks healing time. The surgery healing process will take months. Which do you want to do Dave?"

Dave winced in pain as he held onto me tighter. Vanessa had given him some morphine for the pain, but it had yet to kick in. So, he was still in pain.

"Will the surgery put a nigga out of pain quicker?"

"It will, and you're lucky because if you want to we can get you in today. We'll keep you in for only one to three days depending on how your healing goes. After that you'll be sent home and put on bedrest with a list of medication to take. How does that sound?" Dr. Vanessa asked.

"Please...." Dave trailed.

Hearing the pain in his voice, I knew that he wanted to be put out of pain.

"Can I get some more morphine please? A nigga over hea' dying. I can't take dis shit." Dave said.

"Alright, I'll go get you some more. While I do that Karen I need to speak with you for a moment outside." Dr. Vanessa said.

Nodding my head, I kissed Dave letting him know I'd be right back. He closed his eyes and laid against the pillow that was in the hospital bed. Once we were outside the door Dr. Vanessa began.

"Karen, how in the world did this happen?"

"Well.... we were having sex and things got kind of rowdy and rough. I don't think he meant to, but he missed the shot he was going for and ended up hitting my pelvic bone instead bending his member and.... yeah. That's what happened." I explained.

"I understand that the both of you love sex as you should because you're married and a good marriage consist of a healthy sex life. But you've got to be more careful or things like this will happen more often. Not only that, but since I know you don't use condoms you'll end up pregnant again." Dr. Vanessa said.

I laughed awkwardly as I scratched behind my ear making her look at me weird.

"What was that?"

"What was what?" I asked.

"That little laugh you did almost like you're hiding something. What is it?" Dr. Vanessa asked.

"Alright, fine.... Dorinda thinks I'm pregnant again. I honestly don't know, but between me and you I hope not. Don't get me wrong I love Dave, but I just don't want anymore kids. I think I have more than enough. You understand right?"

"I understand completely, but you know the only way to avoid a pregnancy is by using condoms and birth control. But I can't say that for you because you-"

"Don't use either, I know." I sighed.

"It's okay. As long as you can take care of them the more the merrier right? Don't worry though. While I'm going to get Dave more morphine I'll snag you a pregnancy test on the way and when I come back you can take it while I dose Dave up. Sounds good?" Dr. Vanessa asked.

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